Thursday, May 28, 2015


Wandering Through the Bible's photo.
May 28, 2015

Petition the Lord
Requests for the Lord
Adoration for the Lord
Yield to His commands

Good morning! As I was pondering about what to write on today, I looked up the definition for "pray" and "prayer." My dear friends at Merriam-Webster had this to say about pray: to speak to God especially in order to give thanks or to ask for something: to hope or wish very much for something to happen: to seriously ask (someone) to do something. For prayer, here is what they listed: an address (as a petition) to God or a god in word or thought <said a prayer for the success of the voyage> (2) : a set order of words used in praying: an earnest request or wish: the act or practice of praying to God or a god <kneeling in prayer>
I wasn't satisfied so I made up my own acronym for pray (yeah, we old English majors will do that when we can't find the words that suit our special needs). Wander with me through each letter and let's see what we find.
Petition. Per Merriam-Webster, this word means to have an earnest request. That works for me! When I really want something, I can surely lay on the passion. For instance, when my friends are hurting, I can fervently ask God to intercede and to do His wonders. When pain is wracking bodies, my voice can be heard in a strenuous tone, imploring on the Lord to take the ache away. When others are in a strong sense of need, I can diligently ask my God to change things for the better.
Request. I like this one. One of my favorite sayings (which coincidentally is also a passage of scripture) is "you have not because you ask not." Example? Sure! Yesterday while at the doctor's office watching two of my gsons while my daughter was being attended to, I had CMan crawl up into my lap. I told him I bet that I could read his mind, to be still, let me look into his eyes, and give me just a moment. Fascinated, he sat there and tried not to squirm. I then said, "I bet you are thinking, 'Does Granny have any money so that I can go over to that machine and get me a snack.' Am I right?" His eyes widened with glee and he said "Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking!" He smiled winsomely at me and then said, "Well. Do you have any change, Granny?" Needless to say, the boy got his crackers and was blissful.
Usually I am not much of a mind-reader but there are many times when I think I know what someone is wanting. How much more so is God, our merry Father, waiting to hear us ask for Him to supply our needs--and our wants? Can't you just picture Him, eyes twinkling, as He waits for us to ask for what's on our hearts? Sure, He could just think it into action and it would be. But, He kind of likes it when His kids ask, when they talk to Him, and try to convince Him this is a good thing that they are talking to Him about. So, go ahead and ask. I dare you!
Adoration. Happy sigh. When I think of God this way, as a fatherly figure who is just waiting to see how He can make my day, how could I be anything but in love with Him? How could I not adore His characteristics, long for time with Him, and just bask in the warmth I am allowed to feel when my focus is on Him? Who else is always there, waiting for me to share my dreams, listening to my requests, guiding my path, and loving me with no condemnation through it all?
Yield. Uh, this is not my favorite part of this acronym but yield I must if I am to fully participate in prayer. After all, this isn't Burger King, where I place my order and expect it to be fixed my way. I need to realize my wants, my needs, and my hopes may not be in God's will--whether that means at this time or if that means not at all, since He knows best. My heart must line up with His knowledge so that all these things can work together for good. If that means I don't get everything on my list, then there is a purpose for that. At this stage of the game, I am more than sure that my Father knows best!
So, to wrap it all up, petition the Lord. Make your requests known to him. Adore Him and revel that the Creator of the world devotes His whole self to you when you call upon Him. Lastly, surrender. Yield to the One Who knows the end from the beginning. He has you in the palm of His hand and He sees you, friend. He hears you. Mostly though, He loves you and is making you to be like His Son Jesus. That's my prayer today. Hope it's yours as well!

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