Wednesday, May 20, 2015

My Pastor is a Payne

Wandering Through the Bible's photo.
May 17, 2015

Good morning! Hope you are ready to hear me brag on my pastor for a few minutes. smile emoticon
My pastor. First, I am so thankful to be able to say those words again. For many years, you see, Steve and I have been going to churches that have been either too big for the preacher to even know our names or too busy for them to take the time to get to know us. We've been going to Clark's Chapel now for roughly four months and not only does Dale know our names, he and his wife have shared a meal or two with us with the promise of more to come.
Secondly, it's an exciting time to be going to church at Clark's Chapel. Dale and Charmeyne arrived there just a bit before we did so there's a sense of something in the air that makes me want to keep going, to be a part, and to really pray more fervently for a pastor than I have in a long time.
That being said, I want to address what happened on Sunday. Pastor Payne and his wife have formally accepted the offer of being the church's ministers. At the meeting the other day, they did what was called an Installation Service as it became official that Dale would be our leader there. Honestly, I had never been a part of something like this so I was curious to see what was going to happen.
Each service that Steve and I have attended has involved a responsive reading portion. This Sunday was no exception--except that Dale read to us what his responsibilities would be and then the church read what her responsibilities in response would be. Wow! I mean, I knew I had my expectations for the role a pastor would play in my life but...I hadn't really examined what my own duties as a member in return would be. Guess I kind of thought the church was supposed to be in charge of the majority of the work and that my participation would be minimal. Wrong! Just as in any relationship, it's a two-way street. You both give. You both strive to do what is best for the other party. You both have a role to play.
So, back to bragging on my preacher. As we later chatted after the service on Sunday evening, it became even more apparent to me that Pastor Dale Payne is going to be a fine asset to this little country church. I'm probably going to be writing about him quite a bit in some of my blogs-especially one in particular that he and I discussed would be fun and enlightening--and I hope you will be encouraged by the words I post about him, about Clark's Chapel Baptist Church, and about what makes this an exciting time to be a part of her.
In conclusion, though, I want to brag on Someone else. Someone Who made this all possible. Someone Who brought us to this church at just the right time (if you know me at all, you know one of my favorite lines is that "it's all about timing"). Someone Who planned this all from the beginning, waited the appropriate amount of time, and then He in His infinite wisdom placed my husband and me in a church that has embraced us and loved us and promises to be a family to us when just lost our dear Clyde.
Dear Lord God: thank You for letting all things work together for good to those who love You and who are called according to Your purpose. Thank You for putting us together for such a time as this. As we all grow together in this new group, I ask that You bless my pastor and his family, bless my church, and bless me as I once again experience being a part of a congregation whose aim is to grow in You. Whatever happens next, Lord, I thank You for this balm to my sometimes aching heart. May I give as well as receive and honor You with it all. In the name of Jesus I pray: amen.
By the way, if you are in the area and are looking for somewhere to attend church, check us out! We'd be glad to see you!
3212 Clark's Chapel Rd
Lenoir, North Carolina 28645

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