Wednesday, May 13, 2015

That's the Honest Truth!

May 13, 2015

Good morning!  Let's start the day focusing on the true and honest things this day.

To begin with, it's true many of us have to work for a living.  And you know what? That's not such a bad thing.  Seriously, isn't there a great satisfaction from knowing you are using your skills and talents to make this world a better place?  You matter and I daresay that if you didn't show up today, you would be missed in more ways than one.  But I think the real truth that is mentioned in Philippians 4:8 is that of knowing the truth and the truth setting you free.

Do you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior?  Do you accept His free gift of saving your soul? He demands nothing from us for this exceptional prize and I think many of us falter in that because we keep thinking that somehow we have got to pay for this.  We don't.  We couldn't!  And that's the truth!

Next, let's talk about what is honest.  As I type, the birds are out there singing.  Reminds me of that Randy Travis song "My Love is Deeper Than the Hollar" when he croons "And honest as a robin on a springtime window sill..."  Honesty is a trait I value most in this world.  If you ever betray my trust, it hurts my soul in a way that is hard to get over.  Not that I hold a grudge and won't give you a second chance and maybe even a third, but I do have my standards.  If you cannot mean what you say, perhaps its best to say nothing at all.  And--on that same note--if you must say something, make sure it is helpful and not harmful.  Truthfully, I do like to be shown the error of my ways so that I may improve, but could you do it in a nice way and not exaggerate or make false statements?  Thanks!

So, true and honest.  Pure would be a good word for these two adverbs.  Let's try today to let our words be few and when they must come out, let's use them to build others up.  

As I started to end this blog, I am reminded of my middle gson.  He messes up and has to be told--gently so as to not ruin a teachable moment--about the error of his ways.  Being that he is only four, he isn't quite ready to admit that he was wrong, much less apologize for any actions that may be deemed in appropriate.  And then, when told he mustn't do that again, I see the doubt in his eyes.  I see the hesitation as he knows he is supposed to agree but also the truth in his eyes that he knows good and well--and if I had any sense, I'd see it too--that he will most likely do this same thing again and perhaps even again.  Am I teaching him to lie, making him say one thing while not believing in the validity of it?  I question myself about this matter.  Knowing something is wrong yet still not wanting to turn from it because it may easily be explained...Hmn.  I can definitely see myself in this situation as I too often argue with God that my way is right or that I am justified in my response to what just happened to me.  Am I or is it my pride, my greed, my need to be right?  Usually the latter three.  

True and honest.  May we valiantly strive to have these characteristics be said about us.  May our actions reveal these traits in our daily lives.  Lastly, may we reflect Christ as we implement truth and integrity into our lives.  Others are watching.  May we--like Jesus was--be found with no fault in us is my prayer.  Amen?

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