Friday, May 8, 2015

Why Not Today?

May 7, 2015

What keeps you from following your dreams?  What is it that if removed from your life would allow you to move forward and stop looking back, stop wishing for "someday" or "one day," and getting on with your life?

At nighttime, I can often be so tired that I can barely keep my eyes open.  So, I'll get ready for bed, say my prayers, try to find a comfortable position, and then BAM!  Here come all of those thoughts that I had pressed down for the day, rushing into my tiny little brain, all clamoring for attention, and invading my now fully-awakened mind.  It's maddening!

Today, I was drowsy and thought I'd go take a little nap.  Guess what?  Those intrusive, pesky, and needy thoughts once again permeated my space.  Ugh!  "Well, okay," I said to myself, "let's talk.  Let's address your needs that you think I must be privy to.  Why wait until later?  I've been putting you off for days.   Weeks even.  Fine, let's chat."

I laid there a little while, listening, and trying to get them to take turns instead of all talking at once!  Finally, I gave in.  I got up, began some research into the course I have been wanting to take.  I copied all of my blogs from Facebook because one just never knows when Mark Zuckerberg might just decide to close it down.  Hey, it could happen.  I started a new blog page because the one I had I just seem to not keep up with and rather than defeat myself at every turn, started afresh.  After all, if I am going to move forward then I must look ahead, right?

That was nearly three hours ago.  Thankfully, the hubby had a late work day so I didn't have to stop while in the midst of such action.  Seriously though, I have been putting off these things--as well as many others but you don't need to know all of my secrets just yet--and today the timing worked out to where I could begin.  Again.  

I'll leave you with this thought:  why not today?  Why not stop putting off to tomorrow things that you really want to do?  You know that it isn't even promised to you. Therefore, why not begin today, this day that our Lord has made, and rejoice, refuse listening to the ones who tell you you can't, and remove those negative thoughts and face your giants?  Yeah, it's a little scary to actually plan ahead but it sure beats going to sleep at night with that crick in the neck from all that looking behind.  

Let's pray!

Dear Lord,

Oh how my thoughts compete against one another, full of their ideas on this and that, and the buried dreams once in a while push forward, asking me if they are ever going to be realized.

Lord, I know that Your will for my life is to honor You, to tell others about You, and to serve.  What I don't know is in what capacity.  Teaching, writing, volunteering, or just gently wading into the waters to see if this will be the time for me to finally learn to swim, to trust You, and to stop being such a sissy girl who is afraid to get her tootsies wet?

Help me to keep on seeking You as I figure this out.  Help me to not be afraid of failure.  You know the many times I have fallen and/or not lived up to my potential.  Lord, I don't care to make mistakes as long as I keep learning from them.  So, here I am, a flower gently fading but hopefully with still some beauty left to bring joy to You.  May I?  In the name of Jesus I ask, pray, and hope.   Amen.

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