Thursday, September 17, 2015

Caught between a rock and a hard place

Caught between a rock and a hard place.  I'm sure most of us are familiar with this expression, as well as its truth in our lives at one time or another as difficult choices have had to be made concerning life events.

Our nation is at a boiling point.  Racism, politics, religion, various debates over abortion, gay rights, the separation of church and state.  The list is endless but you know what?  The choice is easy:  do the right thing.  Not in your eyes, but in God's eyes.  Did you ever read the book or see the movie "A Time To Kill" by John Grisham?  A little black girl was beaten and raped by two white supremacists.  Her father shot and killed both of them and was tried for murder.  What did the jury decide?  Acquitted by reason of temporary insanity.  It was an excellent book and movie and the topics dealt with throughout it are in part what I am blogging about today.

Do you know how the jury must've struggled with this issue?  Sure, a horrible crime was committed but did that justify the actions taken by the victim's daddy?  I don't know.  That's not true:  I would have voted for acquittal as well.  My flesh would demand justice and the old saying of "an eye for an eye" would have been prevalent in my thought process.  But...

Would I have been right?  Would I have been justified in my decision?  After all, my Bible teaches me that vengeance belongs to God and that He will repay.  Whew.  Now there's a toughie!  Waiting for God to avenge such atrocities is not in our nature, now is it?  Like Carl Lee, I would have been hard pressed to not seek retribution for a vile act committed against my daughter, my grandsons, my loved ones.

How hard it is to sit back and let the Lord handle our issues that we want instant gratification for and judgment of.  But, on the flip side, how easy it is to allow Him to not deal harshly with us, to not make rash decisions in the heat of the moment, and to accept His forgiveness for the horrid deeds we do on a daily basis.  Yeah, I doubt many of us are rapists and/or murderers but when we do things that cause our sisters and brothers to stumble as they look upon how we live our lives, I wonder if we are any less guilty.  Are we knowingly inviting others to think lewd thoughts of us because of the way we dress or to instigate hatred because of things that may be expressed on our clothing?  When we discuss abortion and gay rights, are we inciting others to acts that may cause harm to others?  When we plan war and keep our borders closed, how does this affect lives?  When we don't support the poor and hungry when it is in our power to do so, what does this say about us?

Ahh, my friends, those fingers are not pointed at you this day but rather at myself.  As I examine my daily ritual, what am I doing to not hinder the work of God?  What am I not doing to love my brethren?  What am I withholding as I go out to spend money on self instead of giving to ones who have so much less than I do?  Oh sure:  I've been known to "pay it forward" on some occasions and I get much joy out of that.  My husband and I faithfully tithe and feel the Lord has blessed us tremendously because of this.  And yeah, every so often we send offerings above the tithe to various charities and organizations, and of course we donate our used clothing, as well as purchasing new for things such as Christmas Angels.  We have a giving nature but...but we could do more.  We should do more.  While I realize money is often the easiest way to assist, giving of our time is often much harder to do.  Putting on the face of Jesus each day and living each moment to please Him is tougher, no doubt.

In conclusion, today I challenge you and myself to do better.  To love more fiercely.  To protect the defenseless.  To spread good cheer rather than ill will.  I encourage you to encourage others.  Offer that hand.  Pay someone's bill if it's within your power to do so.  Call that lonely soul who is perhaps sitting there wondering why no one cares.  Don't let skin color, sexual orientation, political party, religious choice, nor economical status affect the way you love.  Be that difference today that points others to Jesus and remember where it is that He brought you from.  Make Him proud today is my hope for us all.

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