Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Put me in, Coach!

Is this verse true to you?  Do you know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose?  If it is, then that means you have some sense.  Your eyes, ears, mouth, touch, and smell can tell what is going on around you, working on your behalf and on the behalves of others who have been chosen by Him to fulfill certain assignments in life.  

Chosen.  Isn't that such a wonderful word?  For most of my life, I was the one left behind, the last one picked for the team, for the group activity.  Except when someone needed the use of my special talents and skills. My brains, if you will.  I was always the "smart one" and when group assignments came to class, guess who was selected to be one of its members?  Oh no:  still not as first choice because--after all--there are just some loyalties that know no limits.  Often I was dumbfounded as the less-intelligent kids were picked by their friends to partake in something that counted for a large percentage of the grade.  How I envied such acceptance!

Guess what?  I have it.  Had it all along.  Those little stumbling stones from my past that made my self-confidence nearly non-existent were working, even then, to make me who I am today.  Bold.  Willing to volunteer rather than waiting to be called upon.  Unafraid to voice my thoughts and opinions for fear of ridicule.  The one who initiates activities instead of wondering why no one does anything around here.

Friends, is this you today?  It doesn't have to be.  As children of God, we have been specially selected--before we were even brought into existence!  Talk about being first choice!  

And we know... states this verse.  We know.  No more doubt.  No more feeling less than.  No more desperation to fit in.  We are His.  He chose us.  Us.  You.  Me.  But He didn't stop there:  oh no.  He chose us to work together:  together for good.  We aren't in it alone anymore.  Woo hoo!!  

If some of you are scratching your heads and thinking "Uh, Stef?  The verse says all 'things.'  I'm a person not a thing"  then let me point you on to the words following:  to them that love God.  Mmn hmn.  See it now?  You love God, right?  Thus, you are working with your fellow man because--once again--you are the called.  Called according to His purpose, not some grand scheme of man.  Nor for popularity contests.  Called according to His purpose.  God's.  Got it?

So, because you are so smart, because you know that you are working alongside of others, and since you love God then I guess there's just one thing left.  Work.  Oh come on now.  If everything was easy everyone would do it but since it's not, since some things just cannot be done through wishful thinking.  We've got to step up, offer assistance, and join our brothers and sisters in Christ in working what needs to be worked for the greater good of us all.

Here's an example.  Yesterday at the Card Ministry Meeting, we were short two ladies.  But, we also had a new one to join us.  Throw in the sweet young girl who came with her babysitter and voila!  Mission accomplished.  Needs discussed, cards divvied up, and...and then someone had the bright idea of asking the Sunday School Classes to help pay for stamps.  Hmn.  Now how about that?  Why would we ask for others to assist us when we--regardless of how many came to participate--had up unto this point just paid for the stamps ourselves?  Oh yeah:  I remember!  It's so that others could be a blessing too.  Much as some of us would like to have unlimited funds, sometimes there are so many cards to send that it can get a little expensive for those who live on fixed budgets.  And because ol' slew foot is out there, trying every way he can to get us to not work together, he could easily make this ministry a drudgery when folks feel like they just can't participate because of a few stamps--a few stamps that a couple of dollars can easily be obtained by a willing few who want to be a part in some way but cannot attend meetings.  Ta Da!  Purpose fulfilled!!  

As I conclude today, let me challenge you to examine yourselves.  Are you working together or are you trying to do it all on your own?  Don't you know, dear one, that when you do this what you mean for good can too often be turned into a task that you dread, that there is no joy in, and that you soon neglect?  Don't be a grumbler, murmurer, nor a whiny goat.  Get in there and support your teammates.  Ask for help when you find yourself floundering.  Mostly though?  Remember, God picked you.  You!  He's using us all and there aren't any bench warmers on His team.  We all get to play so get out there and do what needs to be done.  Amen?

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