Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Life is a rock

Good morning!  Are you smiling right now?  I am!  Just a few moments ago, my daughter stopped by on her way to taking the kiddos to school.  As I went out to the van to tell them hello, I was greeted by two happies and one grumpy.  As a matter of fact, Mr. Grumpy Pants threw his bottle at me as his displeasure of being so rudely taken from his safe haven was interrupted by this nonsense of getting up so early to take his playmates away for the day.  Kisses for Granny?  I think not!  Where is my PawPaw and why isn't he releasing me from this car seat prison?

Ahh, petulant toddlers.  Gotta love 'em!  

Isn't it great when we can see beyond the presentation and realize the facts of what is going on?  For instance, Tubbs being ornery could have made me mad, feel unloved, and ruined my day had I not known the reason behind his poor behaviour.  I could have stumbled about all day, feeling that I am never going to get through to this boy, and thinking that he's always gonna want PawPaw over me.  I could have not even tried to cajole a smile out of him and soothe him as he struggled to break free of the restraints that were keeping him from doing what he pleased.  I could have even thrown his bottle back at him after having had to pick it up again from his temper tantrum but...but I chose to smile instead.  I chose to gently rub his arm and I chose to talk sweetly and quietly to him.  Guess what?  No, the savage beast wasn't soothed completely but he was calmed.  He was beginning to be receptive and his chubby little fingers clutched onto my hand and brought it to his cheek for a moment.  

Today, you too may encounter some folks who just wanted to stay home and burrow instead of being thrust into the world.  They may glare at you, talk hatefully, and--though I hope this won't be the case!--they might throw some things at you.  Step back and pause.  Let your potential "woe" become a "whoa" instead as you ponder the larger picture here.  Reflect on what is really going on and then, objectively, do your part to make the path straight and to not trip up on the stone that is being put there by the tempter to ruin your day.  

Oh, and by the way, if you are Mr. or Ms. Grumpy Pants yourself?  Reconsider your actions.  Is it the world's fault you overslept, planned poorly, or whatever else it may be that is causing you to be a wet blanket?  No, I didn't think so.  Don't you be a pebble in someone else's shoe either.   
Let's pray!

Good morning, Lord Jesus!  As our day has already begun, I ask that You remind us that we are here to reflect You in all of our ways and that includes our early morning rituals.  Some say they can't function without their coffee but Lord?  I cannot function and face the day without first facing You.  I need You to boost me, to give me that jolt of awareness, and to warm my insides.  

Thank You for another beautiful September morn.  Thank You for a good night's sleep.  And mostly I thank You for loving me even when I am at my worst.  Help me today, I pray, to be a balm and not a block in someone's path.  Amen. 

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