Friday, September 18, 2015

Sticks and Stones

Have you ever gotten unexpected funds? It's nice, huh? This particular check came from the NC Unclaimed Cash Program. My mother-in-law apparently had never cashed this and when Clyde passed, we found it in his things.

As I pondered yesterday on it and how my family decided I could keep it all as a "bonus" for the administrative work I'd done in settling the estate, I thought of how Donna would roll over in her grave to know I was getting her hard-earned paycheck. For you see, she wasn't that fond of me. As a matter of fact, some of her last words to me were that she wanted Steve back as she lay dying on her deathbed and I had just thanked her for the gift of him as we were celebrating our 9th anniversary.

Hello, Stumbling Block! I wondered how you were going to show up to conclude this week's topic verse.

Having someone constantly against you sure makes walking the Christian walk tough. Between Donna and my parents, the rocks were everywhere. Add to them the ones the world scattered and you might better understand who I am today.

Friends, parents, in-laws: be careful. If your beloved chose someone you don't 100% approve of, do your best to accept that choice. And if you find it's more than you can handle, at least keep your opinions to yourselves. Don't put that loved one in the position of having to choose, for you might find you are the one left behind. You might find yourself on the road alone, tripped up by your own selfishness and unwillingness to embrace rather than accepting the new family member. Don't let there be woe in your life when there could instead be wow.

Let's pray.

Dear Lord, so many folks in our lives hinder when they should be helping instead. Remind us that but for Your grace we too would be left on the wayside. May we help make pathways smooth rather than rocky is my earnest desire. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

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