Friday, September 11, 2015

Still keeping score?

transgression:  an act that goes against a law, rule, or code of conduct; an offense.

sin:  an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.

Synonyms (not to be confused with cinnamons) are a wonderful gift for us writers.  When about to overuse a word, if we will just be diligent, we can soon find one that means nearly the same but doesn't overwhelm the reader with repetitious words.  Plus, it often affords us with a better, more fitting expression.

Mark 11:25 tells us:  "Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father who is in heaven will also forgive you your transgressions.

Notice first the word "forgive."  It is defined as a verb, meaning:  stop feeling angry or resentful toward (someone) for an offense, flaw, or mistake.  Also it means to cancel a debt.  

Next, notice the word "against" which is defined as in opposition to.  I think we are good with the other words so, let's proceed to rewrite this verse with these different synonyms, shall we?

Whenever Stefanie stands praying, Stefanie is to stop feeling angry or resentful towards anyone who offended Stefanie or made a mistake involving Stefanie, so that Stefanie's Father in heaven will also cancel Stefanie's debt for Stefanie's immoral acts that Stefanie committed against God and His laws.


It's one thing to make someone mad, hurt his/her feelings, or offend them but to do this against God, to do this against the One Who gave me life, Who chose me as His own, Who forgave me of all of my own filthiness?  Well, that's quite another, now isn't it?  I would be mortified beyond measure should you all be able to see my past errors, the atrocious thoughts I have had, to hear the mean things I have said, and the deeds done in the flesh?  Ooh, I shudder to think what you would think of me should you know all--or even just a few--of the ways I have shamed myself, my family, my friends, and most importantly my God.

If--and I assure you that He did--God can forgive me so easily of my wrongdoings and lawbreaking, then surely I can do no less.  For you see, God didn't so easily forgive:  it took the death of His Son Jesus to make the way for this ol' gal to be redeemed.  All He asks of me is to let go of my pride and little feelings.  I don't have to see my child beaten for things she didn't do.  I don't have to sit by as my child is spat upon and mocked for things the world just didn't understand.  I didn't have to sacrifice my daughter for a world full of rebellious, selfish, ungrateful, and unholy people such as me.  Nope.  I just have to follow His example.  And surely even someone as simple as me can do this, right?  

Let's pray!

Ah Lord, I can hear it now:  easier said than done.  And You and I both know, Father, how uneasy this has been for me during my fifty-one-years of life.  And also, You and I know that some infractions are easier to let go of than the ones that have left the lifelong scars that are so evident still on my tattered heart.

But Lord, even the worst of these harms against me cannot compare to the sufferings of Christ on my behalf.  Were our records placed beside each other, were our wrongs done to us compared as though some score were being kept, mine would be so small when likened to the one of Jesus.

Sigh.  Forgiveness is so hard for me, Lord!  But I guess that's because I personalize it (hard not to when I am the one who was hurt and/or victimized) instead of looking at the bigger picture and examining why these things were allowed in my life and what lessons I took from them.  So, as I keep standing for You, Lord God, my prayer and my plea is for You to toughen my soft skin, cleanse my mind of past deeds that still want to jab at me, and to make me more like Jesus.  Compel me to love without judging.  Help me to accept without prejudice.  Teach me to embrace no matter the dirt or evident the grime.  Develop me into Your servant of peace and not one who stirs up strife.  With Your help, Father God, I can be better.  I'm trusting in You to perfect me.  In the name of Jesus Christ I pray.  Amen.

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