Friday, January 8, 2016

How Low Can You Go?

John 5:5-7 (NIV):  One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years.  When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, He asked him, “Do you want to get well?”
“Sir,” the invalid replied, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.” 

Excuses excuses.  Will they never stop?  I mean, seriously, it's been thirty-eight years, Stefan.  Surely after all of this time you knew how to position yourself for the best angle, the best spot, the best time for when the angel was coming.  I just can't help but wonder why you didn't try harder?  Year after year.  Decade after decade?  Sigh.  
As I pondered on these verses, the words "someone else goes down ahead of me" kept rolling around in my tiny little brain.  Someone else goes where?  Down.  Do you see it?
Someone else lowered him/herself.  Someone else bowed said self, humbled even, to get to the place of rescue.  Hmn.  
Still feel like you are too far gone to ever be assisted?  I think if you said "yes" then you might just be a little too full of yourself.  Too much pride is in you to take the necessary move to get on your knees before the Almighty One and ask for Him to heal you.  Ask for help?  You?  Me?  "I've been handling this on my own for __________ (fill in the blank) amount of years. No one helped me then and no one will help me now."
Well, aren't you just Miss Independent.  Shall we cue Kelly Clarkson?  Sorry, couldn't resist.  Well, I could but I didn't.  
You are right.  Again.  You have no man to help you.  It's completely and totally in your hands until you position yourself and realize that without Christ Jesus you will stay where you are: complacent, broken, and alone.
Sorry, I know this wasn't the encouraging word you perhaps sought today but sometimes instead of a gentle touch we need a heftier kick.  Not a punch in the face but a jab to the conscience.  Haven't we been coddled enough?  It's time for action if, as I've asked, as Christ Jesus Himself asked "Do you want to be whole?"
Maybe it's time to get to our knees, sisters.  Maybe it's time to stop looking for that help that isn't coming (contrary to the Little River Band's tune "Hang On.  Help Is On Its Way.")  Maybe like the woman with the issue of blood who dared--dared, I say--lower herself to touch just the teeniest piece of Jesus, maybe then He will come to us and say "Thy sins be forgiven thee. Rise up, My child.  Walk.  Stand.  Come unto Me."
Are you ready to rise?
Let's pray!
Well Lord, here I am again, pointing out the obvious to those who already know Your truth.  We know our excuses, our limitations, and our desires.  Some of us really want to be helped but we don't want to give up control, which is why we refuse to hit our knees when the going gets tough.  Some of us keep looking for that someone to physically come to us and be our life coach and hold us accountable for every bite we eat, every step we take, every book we read, every decision we make.  Like Stefan, Lord, we have no man.  He isn't coming.  
However...however, dear sweet God, we have You.  Oh how I pray today that I would lower myself, my false sense of standards, and come down from my lofty tower and self-made pedestal.  I pray that I will hit the floor, Lord, with a penitent heart and a soul that is ready to rise.  Again I ask You for help.  Be my Saviour?  I need You.
In the name of Jesus I pray.  Amen.

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