Monday, January 4, 2016

Call the doctor, call the nurse...

Even though my doctor is a sweet lady, I really don't like going to see her.  I really don't like having her tell me things I should do to make my life, my health better.  "Watch what you eat."  "You need to exercise more."  "Avoid stress."

Thanks, Sally, but I think I can figure this one out on my own.  

But when I am really feeling poorly, when I know my body cannot heal itself without some divine intervention (or at least a prescription of Amoxicillin), go to her I will.  I'll make the phone call, set up the appointment, be there when it's time, get checked up on, and then check out to go get said medicine.  In a few days, I am typically better.  Thankfully this is just a once or twice a year thing and I can tolerate seeing my doctor for this easy type of healing (even though by now you'd think we could just get antibiotics over the counter).

However, there are some things that I put off going to see Sally for.  Things that I don't really want to discuss with her. Maybe they are embarrassing or I know she--and possibly a few others--will be poking their fingers, noses, and such into my personal business and finding...Finding what?  I'm not sure I want to know.  Maybe it is a cancer.  Maybe it is broken and not just sprained.  Maybe a lot of physical therapy is going to have to be had in hopes of restoring an aching joint.  Maybe a mole will have to be removed.  Maybe I'm just better off not knowing and handling it myself.  Miracles still happen, right?


Our friend Stefan that laid by the pool at Bethesda for over 38 years:  do you think he liked doctors?  Do you think he had tried every miracle cure under the sun to no avail?  Do you think he read all of the self-help books and watched all of the infomercials to try to self heal?  And WebMD?  I'm sure if he researched his ailments he not only found that yes indeed, he did have a bad sprain but also the symptoms for TB, Diptheria, bone cancer, and maybe was even anemic.   Do you think he invested a huge sum in vitamins or other medicinal products that promised relief?  Perhaps he bought one of those special beds and a walk-in tub to ease his joint pain.   Maybe he tried some of those creams and jellies that were supposed to soothe those tired, aching muscles.  Those juice supplements?  He heard they tasted really nasty, but could be he tried them.  He might have spent his whole life savings trying to get better with little if any results.   Or he could have just been tight, a miser even, and decided to save those funds for a rainy day when he might really need something.  Yeah, better to just lie here by the pool and wait for that miracle.

Remind you of anyone?  Does this remind you of you?  

How many of us put off going to get professional help and we have our reasons all ready?  Can't afford insurance.  Don't have the time to take off work.  The weather is too yucky.  I'll be better in a few days. Those doctors are all just a bunch of quacks anyways.  Aunt Lucy had this and lived with it for 20 years so I guess it's just hereditary.  But did she really?  Did she really live or just...exist?

Ahh friends.  Is the real reason pride?  Could it be that almighty you is infallible after all?  Maybe you don't know everything.  Maybe you are scared.  Scared to get better.  Afraid that if you do get better, you might lose your benefits.  You might have to go back to work.  Meals on Wheels won't come to you anymore, bringing you not only a nutritious meal but also some company for a few moments of your otherwise solitary day.  

Today, I encourage you to examine yourselves.  Test yourselves.  As 2 Corinthians 13:5 tells us, see if Christ is in you.  I don't think Stefan had Him.  We'll discuss that more the next time.  For today, take a peek into your inner souls.  What's bothering you?  What needs fixed?  Is something so broken that only the Great Physician can do the miracle that needs achieved in order for your joy to be restored?  Do you need a heart transplant and a lobotomy for your brain to be able to distinguish truth from lies?  Whatever your need, know that right now, right this moment, I am praying for you but better still, Jesus has His sweet eyes on you.  Do you wish to be made whole?

Let's pray!

Oh Dear Father!  How my heart hurts as I write these words for those who may be suffering from diseases of body and spirit.  I ask on their behalves, Lord, for You to pay them a special visit today.  Come to where they are, God, for they are too helpless to make the appointment with You.  They are frail, needy, and oh how they hurt.  Comfort and heal them is my prayer, asked in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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