Monday, January 11, 2016

Paging Dr. Hardy. Dr. Steve Hardy: you're needed in emergency.

I used to--well, truthfully I sometimes still do--wish sometimes that I could be put into a medically-induced coma.  In my fantasy, I would be "put under" for the necessary amount of time that would be needed to "fix me."

The doctors would have a tough road ahead of them!  There's the issues of my aching muscles, my ever-popping-up skin cancers, my weight, my eyesight which is waning, my teeth that also could use some work, my hands with their pre-carpal tunnel syndrome, my frequent coughing attacks, my leaky bladder...

Too much information?  Yeah.  Okay.  I'll leave the rest to your imaginations.

I wondered though what would happen while I was comatose.  How much time would seriously be needed to make my body better, faster, stronger, more like The Six Million Dollar Man's or The Bionic Woman's?  Would I be able to still "hear" the voices of my loved ones that visited and be kept up-to-date with worldly occurrences?  Would my grandsons visit me at first, miss me bunches, or (gulp) forget about me completely?  Would my husband tire of working his long days and eventually only visit me on weekends?

Mostly though I wondered if God could come into my soul at this same time and give me a spiritual makeover.  My heart is in definite need of repair!  It needs strengthened, softened, and toughened at the same time.  My eyes need some rose-colored glasses put on them so that I might see the world through His eyes instead of my jaded ones (ha!  and you thought they were blue).  My ears need to be attuned so that I might hear His voice more easily and respond to the needs I hear rather than the cynicism that drowns out others' cries because of the lack of my listening skills.  My hands need to be opened so that I may give more.  My body needs to be devoted to Christ's demands and not those of the flesh that it tends to obey currently.

Do you get the picture, friends?  Any of you dare to confess you have thought about this too, about being made whole without putting any effort into it?  Just a few nips here, a tuck or two there, and voila`!  The new and improved super saint would be ready for the world!  No need for physical training, dieting, conditioning, and so on.  Nope.  Just go to sleep one day and when you are awakened, all these things will be added to you.

Sadly, it doesn't work that way.  Oh sure, like Stefan (our impotent man at the pool), many of us have lain around for innumerable years, waiting for our fairy godmother to come and wave her magic wand and perform her miracles.  I mean, why trouble ourselves to get out of this condition, right?  After all, surely if God wanted us to be better, He'd make us so.  He is the One with the power, right?  He is the Miracle Worker.  If we are really so bad, wouldn't He in all of His infinite knowledge know what we need and how to give it to us?  Couldn't He with just one thought--He wouldn't even have to touch us because His power is so great--He could make us whole.

In conclusion, to my knowledge, there is not a coma procedure to fix broken gals like me, to repair our worn parts, nor to heal our tattered souls.  However, there is a Saviour named Jesus Who is on stand-by, willing to create clean hearts in us, ready to renew right spirits within us, and ready to give us a new body in heaven that one day will be infirmity free.  Until then, though, sisters, we have to do our parts.  We have to accept that we are who got us into this shape and until we resign ourselves into finally believing and realizing that there are no magical cures, no quick fixes, and no fairy godmothers (or as Stefan said "no man to help me").  Though we often feel alone, He is there, with outstretched hands, looking for us on the horizon to make the first move so that He may run to us.  Are you ready to make that move?  Our physical and spiritual bodies await!

Let's pray!

As I once again blog to the choir, Lord, I still seem to find myself hesitating in making that move.  Even though I know there will be better things ahead, sometimes that scares me.  I like the fact that I know pretty much what to expect if I stay in the condition I am in.  I like knowing folks won't bother me for stuff when right now I have proven myself pretty useless.  Who needs them anyways, Lord?  When I make an attempt to be better, it is so often shot down and the rejection toll is high.  How much more can my heart stand?

What's that You say?  I came not to be served but to serve.

But Lord?  They are so needy!  They always are pulling and tugging and demanding and did I mention needy?!

Weren't you this way, Stef?  Aren't you still this way, Stef?  Yeah, you need an overhaul--physically and spiritually. Will You let me help you?  Do you want to be made whole?  I'm watching for you.  Will you come?  Will you rise and pick up your mat and walk?  I promise I will hold your hand!  It's there now.  Will you take it, child?

Lord, I don't want to walk away sorrowfully like the rich man who wouldn't give up his wealth.  My head knows Your way is better.  My heart knows Your truths.  My spirit is willing, oh it's so willing.  But my flesh, Lord?  It's battling me.  My mind is in a constant state of flux.  That which I would do I do not.  That which I wouldn't do, I do.  Like Paul, I need deliverance!  

Okay.  Deep sigh.  For today, for this moment, Lord Jesus, I will rise.  I will take Your hand.  Don't let me go!  Being steady on my feet is not something I am known for.  May my weaknesses and imperfections be made whole in You, is my prayer.

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