Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Day Twenty-Eight

Acts 2 37-39.jpg

Do you ever find yourself in the middle of a passage and wonder what you missed?  We did, this morning, as we pondered these verses in the June study we are almost to complete.  As Steve and I backed up and read what happened, we discovered this was the time Peter and the apostles were at Pentecost.  Many wonders were being done and much teaching was being used to convert souls to the Christ.

Obviously, it was effective, for why else would one cry out for help?  Peter’s response was short, to the point, and ended with a promise.  I like that, don’t you?  Seriously, and don’t throw your shoes at me, gals:  I like being told what to do when I ask.  I don’t want platitudes and “maybe if you did this” or “maybe if you tried that.”  Unh uh.  Give it to me straight.  Keep it simple and sure, sweeten it up (if you must) with a promise.  I do like gifts!

In conclusion, the way I can implement this brief lesson today is by keeping it brief.  When someone asks for help, don’t try to pussyfoot around the truth, for that is what needs to be told.  Tough love?  Wellll, maybe, if that is what is needed.  But keep to the facts.  Don’t ad lib.  Don’t throw in your two cents worth and how so-and-so responded in a similar situation.  Use the Word as your guide and you can’t go wrong!  

Let’s pray!

Dear Father, how wonderful it is when Your truths are evidenced in concise sentences.  Thank You for making simple what I tend to complicate.  Thank You for teachers, friends, and past saints to share the wisdom You gave to help those like me who are often in need of guidance.  May I too be filled with Your Word is my hope.  In the name of Jesus I pray, amen.

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