Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Day Twenty-Nine

Romans 8 1-4.jpg
There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin,He condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. Romans 8:1-4

Ahh, how my heart fondly went into singing mode when Steve and I read these verses this morning.  “I am free from condemnation” echoed through my soul as I recalled singing this song at Unity Baptist Church with my fellow choir members.  That Old Red Hymnal sure had some good stuff in it, huh?

My joy was palpable back then, singing with the choir, praising God’s name, thanking Him for sending His Son Jesus to us, weeping sometimes over the shame we felt at the cost He had to pay for our sins.  Then, the victory shouted as we realized we are free indeed and no longer bound by the slavery that sin enchained us to.

I also was reminded of a former pastor’s explanation to a church member from a different church that we later attended.  Said preacher had fallen--and fallen hard--from his position but had blissfully gone on to restoration with Christ.  He was trying to explain this to this guy who was not ready to hear of such grace when great damage had been done.  “But you don’t understand,”  former pastor was saying, “I’m free.  I’m free!”  He nearly flapped his arms as though flying upwards as he tried in vain to explain his new liberty in Christ to the one who was not buying it.

Hmn.  How easy to side with the ones who have been wronged by the clergy, right?  I mean, of all people, they should know best what pricetag sin has on it.  Yet, when they mess up, when they too become human, why are we so adamant in not giving them the forgiveness and/or restoration that they deserve about as much as you and I do?  

Isn’t it great that in God’s eyes--regardless of our age, experience, skin color, height, weight, background, eye color, or what have you--that when He sees us, He sees His Son?  Isn’t it marvelous to know that nothing we can do will separate us from Him as long as we are in Christ Jesus?  Isn’t it astounding to think that after all we have done and will do that caused Jesus to have to come to the world to die for us that God still sees us with favor in His eyes?

Have you ever heard (or maybe even said) “what part of ‘no’ don’t you understand?”  Maybe you went on to try to explain the meaning of this word to one who just didn’t seem to get that ‘no’ means not any, none, not at all.  So now then, as you re-read the above verses, do you see that there is no condemnation, not any condemnation, none, not at all--you are not condemned by our Great God!  You have been set free in Christ Jesus!  Only God could do this and He did--for you, for me, for past pastors, for the neighbor down the street, the classmate beside of you, the co-worker, the relative, and for the ones who should have known better.  Through Christ Jesus that righteous requirement of the law was made so that those of us who walk according to the Spirit might be free.  


Let’s pray.

Dear Lord God:  Thank YOU!!  This forgiveness is overwhelming and I can hardly type because I am so full of rejoicing that You saved a wretch like me.  While man constantly tries to tear me down, while Satan continually whispers in my ears about how worthless I am, You instead did find me worthy and showed me a love like none I had ever seen before.  You set me free.


My heart is full, as are my eyes, Lord.  Wash my soul with these tears, I ask, and remove the condemning spirit I too often feel towards others.  How dare I?  How dare I judge and refuse to forgive when so much of my sinful heart needed balming and restoration itself?  Oh Lord:  even now the song’s refrain is going through my head, reminding me once again that I am free from condemnation, for the Son hath made me free!  May I practice its words, its truths, and love as You love is my prayer today.  Amen!

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