Monday, August 24, 2015

A new covenant

August 24, 20152015-08-24 Psalm 103  11-12.JPG defines the word covenant as “an agreement, usually formal, between two or more persons to do or not do something specified.”  God has made several of these with His children throughout time and I myself have made a few with Him that have proven true.  So, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right?  I thought I’d do it again.

Yesterday, Steve and I went to Mills River to visit with some family who were visiting from Michigan.  We had a fun time and enjoyed seeing our families reacquaint themselves with one another as new generations have been brought into the fold.  Prior to the get-together, though, Steve and I went to Pap’s house to check things out and to see how it looked.  For those of you who aren’t regular readers:  shame on you!  How am I supposed to have a successful blog if you don’t remain faithful?!  Aww, I’m just kidding.  Mostly.  Anyway, for those who aren’t aware, Steve’s dad passed on Valentine’s Day and we are trying to sell his house.  We’ve been praying over it and have felt hopeful each time we get a notification that it is being shown by realtors.  However, we aren’t happy with the time it is taking to complete this process so a little over a week ago, we decided to go into a covenant prayer with our Lord for the sale of this house, as well as another matter that shall remain private for now.

Yesterday, though, on the way up the mountain, I told Steve that in the past, whomever I had made a covenant prayer with, we usually had set a time period on it.  Not to limit God:  oh no, my friends.  We all know it is His timing that is best!  But, He’s not dumb either.  And with all of the requests made to Him on a daily basis, He doesn’t need to be reminded of the same thing over and over.  So,we concluded we wouldn’t pester Him with this covenant any longer, though we would still be waiting to see it come to fruition.


As we were leaving Clyde’s house yesterday, and Steve was walking out the door, I snapped this picture of him.  When he got back to the car, I told him that I didn’t want to ever see him leaving this house again.  Overcome with emotion and eyes filled with tears, I told him I was done with it, done with trying to make the sale of the house go my way, done with trying to think how the realtor should and shouldn’t do things, done with...done with my control issues of trying to have everything my way.

As we sat there together, I asked him to not speak and I began to pray.  “Dear Lord:  You have blessed this home for many years.  There have been good times, sad times, fun times, and a few bad and we thank You for them all.  And now, as we turn this home over to You, we ask that You give it to a new family.  May the next time we see it be as a “drive by” and see kids playing in the yard, a couple of rocking chairs be on the porch, and a happy family enjoying this home.  Lord, we give You this home and now ask that You give it to someone else.”  Something to that effect.  My heart was overcome with emotions and...and peace.  

Don’t you know--do you not know--that God wants His children to be full of peace, full of trust, and to be complete in Him?  Whatever the situation, whatever the need, we are to go to our Father, tell Him what we want, tell Him why we want it, and trust that His answer will be for our good.  Not every prayer request is house-sized, though.  Some of us are trying within ourselves to make the situation work out when what we really need to do is just ask God to take care of it.  His timing may be a little longer than we desire but there’s a purpose for that.  Whether He’s working out something in you, me, or the unknown benefactor, He’s got this under control.  When I release Him to do this (and for control freaks like myself this is one of the hardest things to do), it’s just so much nicer.  Easier.  

Let go of your houses today, friends.  Turn loose of those kids, that co-worker, that friend that has you pulling your hair out.  Release those loved ones that you are striving over.  And those material possessions you are aiming for?  Give God your ammo and let Him decide if you really need them.  He may say “yes” or He may say “no” but until You leave the decision in His hands, you are just making strife that doesn’t have to be in your life.  Let go.  Let them go.  Let it go.

Dear Lord,

Whew!  My head feels so much better today as it is not beating against the brick walls that I have self-imposed.  Thank You for peace, for understanding, and for assurance.  May the walls, the homes, the kids, the hubbies, and the whatevers all be turned over to You as we trust in Your yoke today is my prayer for me and those who are reading this--and even for the ones who aren’t.  In the sweet name of Jesus I pray.  Amen!

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