Monday, August 17, 2015

It's not what I did, it's what I didn't do

August 17, 2015Wandering Through the Bible's photo.

Good evening! Steve and I just finished our little study and so now, as he weed eats, I thought I'd take a few moments to revisit my "life verse" for this year.
2 Timothy 2:15 tells me "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." We were reading Romans 6 and then discussing the ways we are under grace and the sins we used to commit that we now just no longer are interested in maintaining. My biggest sin now, I told Steve (and am sharing with you, my lovely readers!) is that of omission. It's not what I'm doing wrong, it's what I'm just not doing. It's easy for me to "be good" as an unemployed housewife who rarely ventures out. It's easy for me to guard my tongue when I am not regularly speaking with others. It's easy for me to not covet when I don't see all the bling bling and newest crazes of my co-workers. It's even easy for me to not have adulterous thoughts on how cute the delivery guy is or the new executive and so on because...well, no offense, but have you seen my UPS driver? I like Kevin but he doesn't make me want to visualize him as Magic Mike.
Okay, back to the present. My sins of omission. What am I not doing that I should be or could be as a woman of comparative leisure? Careful Stef: someone may read this and start asking things of you. Seriously, though, there is so much more I could do that I just don't. I won't make excuses because in truth there aren't many that will wash. I know my abilities, my "gifts," as well as the things I know that I am just not cut out for (please don't ask me to paint, clean, or walk your sissy dog). I am not a gardener although the fact that I was raised on a farm has enabled me with some knowledge where I could help string beans and cream the corn. I have great budgeting skills and can write those letters for whatever may come along (but not for grants or things like that). I can't play the piano but I can make you a playlist of great songs to listen to. I can't wire up your electronics but I may can help program some of your everyday devices.
Kind of sounds like a job resume, huh? Maybe I should go back to work part-time and use the talents I have been gifted with. We'll see. But what I most wanted to share with you tonight is that as a child of God, I have not been carrying my load. There is more that I could and should be doing. I'm not yet sure what that is but am interested in finding out. I am in the process of studying to show myself approved because if grades were handed out tonight, I am not quite sure I'd pass.
Let's pray!
Dear Lord, what a convoluted blog this was! My thoughts after 7:00 pm tend to be this way but hopefully someone will be able to relate in part to my plight. Lord, I'm 51-years-old and still not sure whom I want to be when I grow up. Lead me and guide me, I ask, to remember it's not about me at all but what You want for my life to reveal about You that is important. Help me to make the best use of my time and to honor You with my labors is my prayer tonight. In the name of Jesus I ask these things. Amen.

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