Monday, August 3, 2015

Go on, girl!

August 3, 2015

Today I'm going to write a bit differently than normal (whatever that is).  Guess you could tell, huh, by the above picture of Michael Jackson?  I was actually going to blog on this Saturday but wasn't sure.  Thanks to a comment by my pastor yesterday, though, I have changed my mind.

Had I written this the other day, my theme would have been along the lines of "I'm loving the sinner and hating the sin."  Lately, the local radio station has been playing the song "The Way You Make Me Feel" and it's just so catchy--even though it's from way back when.  I grew up listening to Michael Jackson and his brothers, even watching their cartoon program on Saturday mornings.  As I became an adult, his music still permeated the air waves so that my daughter even became a casual listener.  I'll never forget when we came across one of his albums (yep, that's how old I am!) and she saw his picture on the cover.  "Michael Jackson is black?" she exclaimed!  Anyway, thanks to this reminder, I downloaded his album and was listening to it and thinking of my love singing it to me and how we declared it to be our new "song"--but not in place of "She and I" by Alabama.  That one can never be replaced!

Ahh, Michael Jackson.  In the early '80s you were one of my brother's favorite artists.  It's hard to hear you--especially when you sing "Rock With You"--and not think of Billy.  But that's a whole other blog.  Go on, girl!

Hmn.  How can someone as famous, rich, and successful as MJ be so unhappy?  He was considered by many to be a gentle soul, a loving friend, and a boy who never wanted to grow up.  Guess he knew that fame and fortune weren't all they were reputed to be.  As his days turned into years, he never quite found the satisfaction he so earnestly sought.  Changing his looks didn't do it. Turning his home into a playground didn't make him happy.  Thirteen number one singles and over seven hundred and fifty million record sales worldwide did not bring him the glory, the fulfillment, the peace he sought. So he looked elsewhere.  As did Solomon.  As did David.  As did countless other souls throughout the annals of time.  Their loneliness could not be abated by things of the world.

Does this number include you, friend? Are you looking for---for something you can't quite define, can't quite put your fingers upon?  The Rolling Stones couldn't find it.  U2 crooned of not being able to find what they were looking for.  Even further back, the group Chicago sang of searching so long to find an answer.  The woman at the well didn't even know what she was missing until Jesus happened upon her.  

Yesterday at my church, five precious souls were baptized into the faith.  They found the answer.  More astonishing is the fact that most were under the age of twenty.  Hmn. Does taking your kids to church at an early age really matter?  Does talking about God in your home make a difference?  Does living your life in a manner that is well-pleasing to Him count?  It did for these dear ones.  It did for me.  

As I close this blog for now, I want to ask you:  are you saved?  Are you happy? Are you sure of your eternity? No amount of wealth, fame, success, or anything other than a personal relationship with Jesus Christ will fulfill you, friends.  No, your life won't be a bowl of cherries once you accept Him but at least you don't have to keep living in the pits.  Your outer man may still have trials, hurts, and rejections's only temporary.  Put the things away that bring you momentary satisfaction and instead reach to the Lord for your comfort, your strength, and your hope.  He's waiting for you!  

Let's pray!

Dear Lord, thank You for the gifts of music and how it is used to balm our hearts and to lift our spirits.  Thank You for examples given in Your Word to teach us how worldly satisfaction is fleeting but eternal hope and joy is ours when we trust in You.  

Lord, for those who don't know You that may be reading this blog, I ask that You especially touch them today.  Reveal Yourself more strongly than ever before so that there is no mistaking that it's You, Father, You Who makes hearts glad.  And for those who are reading that know You but maybe have been neglecting time with You?  I ask that You remind them of how good and how pleasant it is to dwell with their brothers and sisters in Christ.  Yeah, Sunday is over for this week but that doesn't mean Your kids can't still shine and reflect You.  Place them in front of the ones who need to see the light is my hope today.  In the name of Jesus I pray:  amen.

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