Saturday, August 8, 2015

Sins of the Past

"Y'all aren't going to start randomly shooting people, are you" asks the man, who with his elderly father-in-law, began to sit down a few chairs away from us last night at the movie theater.  Mostly kidding, but deathly serious underneath the camaraderie that soon followed, he assured us he was packing and wasn't afraid to defend himself.

What a sad world to live in, where just going to what was once a carefree experience now has to be so closely and carefully monitored.  But, that's what is known as a consequence and even though the sin was not ours, we have to be prepared to deal with it.

This leads me nicely into today's blog.  Last night, we saw a movie entitled "The Gift."  IMDB provides us with this summary:  
A young married couple's lives are thrown into a harrowing tailspin when an acquaintance from the husband's past brings mysterious gifts and a horrifying secret to light after more than 20 years.

"Horrifying secrets brought to light."  Do you have one?  Two?  Maybe more?  Did you think that because they were in the past that they were no longer a part of your present?  Did you think that the crazy things you did in your youth would just be laughed at and brushed away without any consequences for those poor choices?  The Book of Numbers tells us that:  you may be sure that your sin will find you out (32:23).  Now, I won't spoil this movie for you but it is a great representation of how true this verse is.

A couple of times during the movie, there were parts that literally made me jump.  The first time, we all laughed, a little self-consciously because the couple on our other side also were startled.  The second time, the fella I previously referenced outright laughed and his wife and mother-in-law (who had joined him and his f-i-l) solicitously leaned over to ask if I was okay.  No, it wasn't a horror movie--I don't do those!  It just had some great suspense moments in it that truly added to the seriousness of the theme of the movie.

{Sidebar:  isn't it great that even though we have to approach strangers with trepidation at first, that usually it only takes a few moments to form a rapport and casual friendship/acceptance of them?  I think so too!}

My past is riddled with poor choices and I often face consequences from them daily.  No, they haven't made a movie about any of them yet--thank God!--but in all seriousness, some of the things I did in my youth and even in my "wiser" years still have lingering effects.  That's why it is so vital for me to capture my thoughts before they turn into actions.  That's why I must keep a guard over my tongue so that my words don't offend.  That's why I must keep my hands from shedding innocent blood.  My feet need to be on the path God has laid out for me rather than traveling down back roads that may lead me into temptation and trouble.  Will you pray for me:  that I will make good choices and that I will seek God--not man--with my whole heart?  I'd appreciate it!  

Let's pray now!

Dear Lord, once again You have shown Yourself mighty in my life.  This movie helped me to remember that my sins--though I have been redeemed from them--still have the power to issue consequences that may be devastating to me, my family, and to my witness.  Thank You for forgiveness, Father, and while I cannot change what has already happened, I beg You for mercy and grace to let these things pass under Your love.  And if they don't?  Then I ask for more mercy, more grace, and if needed--where needed--the contriteness of spirit to apologize to those I've offended, hurt, and/or left scarred.  Be with me, Lord, as the days go on and grow me in You is my prayer.  Amen.

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