Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Country girls gettin' down on the farm

2015-08-26 Mark 4.JPG

Good afternoon!  I hope things are going well with you today.  My day started off normally enough, what with getting up and fixing the ol’ man’s breakfast and such.  But then, I had to get myself ready and go see the doctor for an annual physical.  Everything seemed to go pretty well and for the most part, she and I are both pleased with my well-being.  However, there’s this one issue we both knew about and tried to not discuss but there was just no way around it:  my weight.  The elephant in the room was not to be denied.

Now, this was not a surprise to me--this weight issue.  I didn’t have to be told what the health repercussions were from carrying around this extra baggage for you see, I have heard of it before.  Quite a few times actually.  I didn’t have to be reminded that lack of exercise was detrimental to my well-being because I have already listened to that line of chatter before.  In fact, I’ve been “all ears” before to the latest fads, the controversial surgeries, and all sorts of other plans that are out there to help one lose unwanted pounds.  What did surprise me was that my doctor read between the lines.  She knew that I--a fifty-one-year-old-woman-- was not a dummy.  She knew that I was aware of the situation.  She comprehended without me speaking to her about the above that we both knew the situation and what the best course of action was for me at this stage of the game.  She heard what I didn’t say and then she compassionately spoke with me about it and we made a game plan of sorts.

So, what does this have to do with the parable that Jesus told His disciples in the Book of Mark?  Plenty!  How many times have you been told to do something--whether it was to increase your knowledge, to better your skills, or just because someone told you to do so?  You knew what was being said was correct and you may have even acted upon it so as to get those folks off of your back or because...because you knew in your heart it was the right thing to do.  Your ears not only heard what was being said, your mind listened to these simple truths and you made the choice to react in the way that would create a better lifestyle for you.

Jesus told His twelve that they were specially chosen to hear His words.  He explained the mysteries that many of us are still trying to figure out.  He gave them special care because He knew He wouldn’t be around for much longer and someone was going to have to be able to keep His story going.  And what did they do with this harvest of knowledge?  Read your Bibles and find out!  The stories are numerous; the countless lives changed because Peter learned what it meant to really love Christ.  The doubts of Thomas were empathized with when others heard his tale of how seeing to believe something was not always the best act of faith.  The ones who had been defrauding one another learned numerous lessons from the old tax collector who sought to make right his wrongs.  On and on the stories go!  And the reason they do so is because these men listened.  They had ears to hear with. Their acts of faith in what they listened to brought forth much grain.  

So now it is our turn.  I mentioned above how old I am.  Should Jesus call me home today what would I have to show for my education?  How many rows of corn could I show Him were tended to under my farming?  How many people were fed on the produce I produced?  

My doctor was kind and gentle with me this morning but some of the last words out of her mouth were that she would be holding me accountable for the decisions I made.  Not as a threat but instead as an encouragement.  She cares.  She wants what is best for me.  She wants me to be my best.  Hmn.  Kinda sounds like Jesus, doesn’t it?  He is compassionate.  He is mindful of my condition.  And, He too wants my life to be the finest that it can be.  Plus, He will be beside me each step of the way to motivate me and to hearten me on my way.  Aww shucks:  with such a Friend like this, I think I can get out and hoe my rows of corn so that my barns may be filled with future nourishment for those that I get to feed.  He didn’t let you read this blog for nothing, right?  So, let’s get to it!  Ready or not, He’s coming back soon.  Let’s show Him we weren’t foolish with the things we have heard and have been taught.  Who knows?  Maybe we can have a popcorn party when it’s all said and done!

Let’s pray!

Oh Lord, thank You once again for using the everyday occurrences in life to teach me invaluable lessons.  Thank You also for a doctor who hears, who listens, and who treats me personally and not as just some corny redneck fresh from the farm.

Father?  I know there are many areas in my life that I have been told to do things differently at.  Not just physical things, Lord, but personal ones that You have been repeating to me and I have been basically either covering my ears and humming while You spoke or placing my hands over my ears and saying “What?  I can’t hear You.”  Help me to be still, to tune my ears to Your commands, and then to get up off of my duff and follow You.  Help me to be a doer of Your Word, Father.  In the name of Jesus I pray.  Amen.

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