Friday, August 14, 2015

Doggone It!

The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me? Psalm 118:6
It all started innocently enough. Steve and I went out for a walk and had stopped to talk to some of our neighbors. While doing so, a tiny little dog came over to check us out. Debbie and Roger were familiar with him and affectionately greeted him. Steve bent down to pet him and let him acquaint himself with it while I--as usual because I just do not like animals--stayed out of his zone.
Wandering Through the Bible's photo.As we continued our walk, we had barely made it to the crest of the hill when I saw it. It saw me as well and I tensed up, freezing on the spot. Steve softly told me to go ahead, don't be afraid, and all of that garble one doesn't want to hear when her life is soon to be at stake. For you see, in the yard ahead of me was one of the biggest Doberman Pinschers I have ever seen. Instantly my mind was taken back to a weekend I had spent with my oldest sister, who was in college at Western Carolina Univerity. We were at one of her friend's homes and they were all smoking pot. I was fresh off of the farm and just tickled to be away from it for a couple of days so I just sat on the couch and minded my own business until this huge Doberman decided to check me out to see if I was a narc. Never had I felt so much fear from a four-legged beast. The people around me laughed and told me to relax (easy for them to say: they were having a peaceful easy feeling while I was feeling desperation). Yeah. The beast was right in my face and I was so scared! Ooh, I shudder even now at the memory of it.
So, meanwhile, back to last night, the dog started acting all skittish and began whining/barking/prancing about. Still unwilling to get any closer but being gently prodded by Steve to keep going, we saw that the dog was not intimidated by us: it was the tinier dog that had followed us on our stroll and was furiously barking at Cujo that had made its hackles rise. This itty bitty three-pound canine had the eighty-pounds or more Doberman shaking in its paws.
To sum it all up, as we indeed kept going and even chatted for a couple of minutes with the lady and the owner of the dog (whose name instead of being Cujo was Bruce, I think), the dogs got to know one another, and I sighed a heavily thankful breath that this was almost over--until Bruce decided to come over and say hi. Uh-oh. Still filled with dread and hopes that he would just go back to Alisa's yard, I froze on the spot, trying to not let him sense my fear because dogs like this act upon that. Thankfully, my hero Steve was there to buffet the attention off of me and soon we were on our merry little way, with me constantly glancing over my shoulder the whole time until we were out of sight of Cujo. I mean Bruce.
Later, when we got home, Steve assured me that I had had nothing to fear. To emphasize this, he showed me how he already had an action plan in case the dog had decided to attack. First, he would have offered him his left arm and with his right arm? Well, his sweet little hole puncher was there, just in case. Ahh, my hero, always prepared, always there to save me.
So, as you can see, I was well-protected. Even though I feared the immediate threat and couldn't react, my protector was there, waiting with a game-plan, and ready to defend me with no thought of his own possible hurt along the way. Even though in the moment all I could do was be frozen in my fear, Steve was clear-headed, giving away nothing, but ever-ready to defend his loved one 'cause he knows she is helpless without her big, strong hero there by her side.
The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me? Indeed, what can man, beast, or any other supernatural force do unto me with God by my side? Better than the Beretta Tomcat 32 acp Steve had on him, I have the Lord on me, in me, and ready to fight my battles. What more could a girl ask for? Even when I forget to carry my own gear and put on the armor of God, He's got me. Even when I go into the world unprepared for what it may hold, my Deliverer and Defender goes ahead of me, marking my path, and leading me down roads He has already prepared. Guess that's partly why I love Him so much!
Let's pray!
Dear Lord, thank You again for saving me. You know my fear of animals is mostly due to the college experience and perhaps that was a good lesson for me: to be wary around four-legged beasts because one just never knows when they can be set off or what will trigger their attacks. It was preposterous, Father, that this big ol' creature was so intimidated by the rodent-sized canine that barked so ferociously at it but...but maybe that's what I should do when facing my giants. Maybe I should let them know that my size does not indicate my power and that my bark is worse than my bite. Maybe my words will be enough to defeat these Godzillas that threaten me with their mere presence? Season them, I pray Lord, so that they are powerful, more powerful than any two-edged sword, and that they have the ability to bring peace rather than division (especially of my limbs!).
In the name of Jesus I pray and thank You again, Lord God, for being my hero. It's a tough world out there and this reminder to go into it with my armor gear on is a necessary lesson I must learn again and again. Oh, and thanks for the reinforcement of Steve. You take good care of me, Father. Thanks!
And Lord? Thanks again. I love You, too. heart emoticon

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