Friday, August 7, 2015

What is it about her?

Today's picture has been provided by my new friend Anne Payne. For more inspiration from her and her photos, visit here:
Let me tell you a thing or two, by the way, about Anne. Let's start with how we met. Well, hmn, wait a minute, Stef. Our paths crossed via Facebook. I had heard of Anne via my friend Charmeyne. Lastly, I finally met Anne in church a couple of Sundays ago as she visited with us at Clarks Chapel. Our souls instantly connected and we hugged as if lifelong friends. But there's only so much you can do in a moment of fellowship so I did what any other normal (??!) red-blooded woman would do: I stalked her Facebook page when I got home!
If you think I am kidding, you would be wrong. Now, before you judge and write me off as bat-crazy, let's talk about this. Why do people have Facebook pages anyway? Mmn hmn: to let the world know about their lives. The pics they post, the notes they write, the comments that make all work together to give the outside world an inside view of what makes this person who s/he is.
So, the more I "peeked" the more my curiosity was piqued. Her photos caught my eye and as I viewed them, I noticed Anne had another site so, of course, I went there and got to know even more about this beautiful woman who was fast stealing a place into my heart. After reading a few of her posts and intruding into her life, I sent her a note, telling her I just had to know more! Thankfully, she didn't call 911 on me and instead, we met for lunch later that week. We spent nearly six hours together as we chatted, laughed, and shared things with one another that we both rarely have opened up to others about.
Yesterday and the day before, I blogged about sharing your talents so that others would be interested in you and why you create what you share. I want to encourage you again today, friends, to keep sharing. I want you to keep doodling in your Bible journals and letting us see little pieces of your hearts there. I want you to keep writing your thoughts down--chaotic as they may be--so that we get an insight into your soul. When something annoys you or makes you mad, I want you to express that so that we care enough to go deeper and figure out why that particular thing had such an impact on you.
I had this blog planned out last night and this is not exactly where I thought I'd go. I was going to point out to you various famous people who--through whatever skills and talents they had--caught our attention and made us want to know them more. Celebrity is intriguing and most of us have that certain someone that when we hear his/her name, drop everything to listen to the latest gossip about that one. I was going to use as my examples folks like Stephen Curry, Chris Pratt, Madison Bumgarner, Denzel Washington, and a few others. Most of us are familiar with these names yet when these guys are studied, we find that not only are they talented--okay, and they aren't hard on the eyes either ;)-- but that they attribute their success to our great God. Using the world as their platforms, they do what they are best at and when others notice them and begin getting to know their backgrounds, they then have the opportunity to share Christ with the world.
Okay, these men are not preachers and don't claim to be "Christians" as their job titles. Instead, they are regular Joes who go in and out each day, doing their jobs, and living lives that invite others to want to know them better. That special quality that they have, that certain je ne sais quoi factor? I think you know what it is. I think you know Who placed it there.

To sum it all up, here's my point. If you share your skills, talents, and gifts with others--even if only through social media--you allow others the opportunity to get to know you better. You quietly express a personality trait that draws man unto you. Whether it's because you teach disabled students and do so with much respect for those special people or whether it's because you paint murals that others ooh and ahh over or even if it's just because you check out your customers in stores, restaurants, and even at call-centers, you do so each time with courtesy and kindness and even though you may NEVER ONCE MENTION THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, your actions speak. Softly. Gently. Convincingly and with conviction.
So, keep shining, friends. Keep letting that glory peep out of you. Be famous and unashamed of your talents for they often are the stepping stone that leads others to a closer walk with Jesus. Open those consignment stores and let those who can't afford the things of the world at full price to be sold at prices that reflect fairness and dignity. Bake those cakes and let others see the time is not wasted as you mix, stir, and pray over the ones who will be consuming them. Be the one who keeps doing the work behind the scenes for I assure you, it is being seen and appreciated and noted. Lastly, remember this prayer:
The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:
The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
Thanks for reading today! That is all. wink emoticon

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