Monday, August 10, 2015

And I will lift my hands

Ahh, what a nice weekend I had. Steve and I stole away to Gatlinburg for a couple of days and...rested. Ate. Saw a movie. Rested. Ate some more. Met up with some family who were also on a quick getaway. Played in the pool. Soaked in the hot tub. Ate some more. Got some firewood and lingered by the river which was next to the hotel, built a fire, and...rested. We were still. We were at peace. We were in harmony with one another.
You know what is so great about all of this? This is what we can have with our God when we just take the time to be still with Him. We can't always jump in our cars and go hundred of miles away from the cares of our ordinary lives but we can jump in His arms and rest. Relax. Let Him soak our cares away. We can.
Yesterday, on the way home, we stopped at some overlooks on the Parkway. It was so beautiful and my heart was full. I had Steve take this photo of me, lifting my arms in praise to my wonderful God Who allowed me this time of refreshment. The sun was shining brightly down upon me and with the beauty surrounding me, I felt as though I could fly away to heaven, should He call me to do so. He didn't and I am still here, still in my recliner, back at my temporary home, praising the Lord. I have breath and I don't take that for granted the way I used to. I have hope, which once seemed like a far off, unreachable prize. I have assurance that one day my soul will be totally at peace and the One I long for most will be by my side.
Wandering Through the Bible's photo.
Thank You, Lord. Thank You for the mini-vacation, the reminders of the need for stillness, and the love from my husband. I have more than I deserve and it's because of You, God. Thank You for my family that I get to see regularly. Thank You for my church and the ones who make me feel so special. Thank You for Steve's job that provides for us. But mostly? Thanks for loving me. I lift my hands even now in worship of You, Father. I breathe Your name in a happy sigh. I claim Your love and shall continue to bask in it for the remainder of my days.
I love You, Lord! Amen.

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