Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Proverbs 25:21-22

Wandering Through the Bible


If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, the LORD will reward you.

Good afternoon! My enemy wasn't hungry, it was my three handsomes (this is the name my grandson Walker gave to himself, brother Connor, and PawPaw Steve. BTW, I am the "gorgeous."). The water wasn't drunk, it was from the pool. As far as the reward? Well, my three handsomes are piled up watching "Over the Hedge" and I am sitting here with a content and happy heart.
If God gives me this for everyday blessings, for stuff that I do on a regular basis, what more is awaiting me for doing so to those I consider my enemies? Kind of scary to consider. I love being blessed and do feel often that my cup runneth over. But to step out of my comfort zone, to go that extra mile to reach out to those who wish me harm scares me. Yes, I read the promise, that I would be rewarded. But when I approach my enemy, s/he can hurt me. S/he wishes me harm. Why in the world would I want to get close enough for this to happen?! Don't I already have more than my share of blessings and rewards? No need to be greedy and get more, right?
I guess it's the fact that enemy is the key word here. Usually those who bring harm to others are lacking love and charity in their own hearts. If I and my fellow Christians only show love to the "worthy" then how will this soul ever see truth and change his/her ways and start collecting some blessings instead of spreading wrath and fear? How will this enemy become my friend so that I can share the gospel and perhaps lead him/her to Jesus?
My flesh cries out, "No, not me. Send someone else! That person hates me. S/he has made my life miserable and deserves all the hardships received. S/he isn't worthy of…" And then my soul reminds me that neither was I worthy. Neither was I worth saving, worth loving, worth friending. But He did. Jesus thought so. I was His enemy and He chose to show me mercy and kindness and so much love. Where would I be had He not stepped out to embrace me? Most likely not here, in the comfort of my own home, surrounded by my Three Handsomes, and getting those unexpected sweet smiles and occasional hugs as they just look over at me with happiness.
Okay, God. Again, with a skeptical and a heart full of trepidation, show me the enemies You want me to embrace. May my words feed them, my actions water their souls. Literally and emotionally, may I be a source of love and light to them so that You may be lifted up, so that You may be shown in my life as an "Hey, if Jesus can save someone like her, imagine what He could do with someone like me!"


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