Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Proverbs 3:5

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Wandering Through the Bible

July 3


"You don't know" are probably three of the most-heard words at my house. It all started years ago, when I tried to get my oldest grandson to say these words to Steve: PawPaw, you don't know. What fun we have had (yes, often at Steve's expense) when Walker would utter these words when he'd ask Steve something and the response wasn't what he wanted to hear. Granny was exalted because the next words were "Granny knows! Granny knows everything!"

Fast-forward two or so years, when my youngest grandson began to really converse. Oh how he loves music! And, who knew one could glean so much biblical knowledge from The Beatles? For instance, "All You Need is Love," "Help," and "The Long and Winding Road" are examples of how you can find Christ in any song, in any situation as long as you are looking for Him. Do you know the song "Hello Goodbye" by The Beatles? The chorus goes like this:
You say yes, I say no
You say stop and I say go, go, go
Oh, no You say goodbye and I say hello.

However, in Granny's version, the lyrics go like this:

You say yes, I say no
You say stop and PawPaw he don't know
Oh, he don't know
You say goodbye and PawPaw he don't know.

Ahh yes, we have gotten lots of mileage out of this song. Connor just hears PawPaw's name and instantly says, "PawPaw, you don't know. I know. Granny knows. But you don't know." Often Walker will pipe up and say, "Yes he does. PawPaw knows. A little."

Today's verse deals with understanding and if the truth be told, I don't know. I know so little. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" Proverbs 3:5. So much I don't understand. External things like solar systems and dinosaurs my sweet little five-year-old grandson can explain in ways that are far beyond me. Emotional things like how I can weasel some extra hugs and kisses from Connor when I tell him as he passes by that I need a hug and a smooch. He runs over, piles up in my lap, and gives me both, then asks if that is better. I tell him, "Not quite. Can I have another?" He acquiesces and asks again,"Is that enough" "Um, not quite. Can I have one more?" I'll say. For the life of me, I don't know where he gets his sweetness and patience for Granny from.

The things of God I also don't often understand. So many tragedies have been brought to our attention lately: bombs at marathons, school shootings, firemen killed while trying to save the lives and homes of strangers, tornadoes ripping through and destroying neighborhoods, destroying lives. Friends and neighbors losing their homes due to the economy. When tragedies strike, folks tend to come together and I am constantly surprised when I hear of the amount of money that comes in instantly. When "Hollywood" becomes involved, the world seems to pay more attention. And how many times have you heard the expression "Our thoughts and prayers are with you?" I wonder: seriously? Seriously those media personalities are praying for the victims of these acts? Does God really hear them? Does He really hear me?

Yes, He does. He is listening, waiting for me to come to Him, to cast my cares upon Him, for Him to enlighten me and draw from His wisdom. As mentioned before, I don't know. I don't have all of the answers, contrary to my grandsons unwavering belief that I do. Oh my, can you imagine if I leaned on God and His power the way that these boys do me?! If I just went to Him with blind faith, knowing He would take care of whatever it is that is troubling me or that I need taken care of? And then, if I accepted His answers, His responses and went on about my own business like these cuties do, how much peace I could have?

"With all your heart." My grandsons trust me with theirs. I don't let them down if at all possible and I tell you what: I do all I can to make them happy. I know what they need and if they haven't asked for it in the right way, I do what I can to take care of their needs. Fruit instead of cookies? Milk instead of soda? Books instead of tv? Their needs are being met, perhaps a little differently than their wants. But at the end of the day, guess what? It's still Granny's House they want to come to. It's Granny's House that they want to spend their time at. They'd rather eat here then to go out. It's Granny who they say is the best. Their love for me is pure and even though I occasionally discipline them when they act up, they know it is with love. They know they are loved, cherished, and valued.

They know they can trust me. They know with me they are safe, taken care of, secure. Now, Father God, give me their eyes, their hearts, their faith and let me turn to You like they turn to me. You know. You understand. Help me, God, to lean on You is my prayer.

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