Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Memory Lane

Wandering Through the Bible

July 26

Memories....light the corners of my mind...misty water colored memories...of the way we were.

Okay, there's your song for the day. You are welcome!

Today is my daughter's 29th birthday. No, really, it is her 29th. Now, how many she has after this one is anyone's guess but for today, she is the genuine 29. Hey, that rhymes!

As I went through some of the pics on my computer, trying to find just the right one to put on her Facebook page to commemorate her special day, I was side-tracked by so many photos of her through the years. Also, folks kept wishing her well via my page as I had already posted my well-wishes for her. This led to more reminiscing, more seeking that special photo or perhaps one of her with some of the folks she used to have special relationships with. Before long, an hour had passed (okay, closer to two hours) and I still couldn't find that perfect pic. Granted, most are saved on the external hard drive which is currently not connected to this 'puter so...I just couldn't find it.

As I was searching, I also tried to remember the verse about remembering the past but doing so in a good way. I could remember "forgetting the former things..." "I press forward..." and a couple of others. Still not what I was looking for! This was getting complicated--and frustrating. And then I'd come across another cute picture and be transported back in time to happy memories forever captured through the wonderful creation of digital photography.

So, what does this have to do with today's blog? Walking down Memory Lane can be sweet, can bring back images of past glories, reminders of good times, and happy thoughts. It doesn't always have to be a bad thing and should in fact bring to mind victories, achievements, and milestones. Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to follow every rule, every commandment, every suggestion preached from the pulpit that we forget to just rely on the good sense our Heavenly Father gave us and take a stroll down Memory Lane and see "how good and how pleasant" the blessings have been. It's the times when we focus on the bad things, the poor choices, and the ones who have let us down in those old photos that we get tangled up in and off track, off focus of our Lord.

Today I encourage you to think back on some special someone. Look through old pics (there's still nothing like looking at real, sometimes shoe-boxed pics to me to make me feel joy) and recall good times. And then, be thankful. Be filled. If you are really feeling it, take a moment or two and send that soul a little note, give 'em a call, or take the easy way out and send a quick Facebook comment to let them know you are thinking of them and that you love them. If only to do the shift < then hit #3 to make this heart . Who knows? You just might make someone's day!

Let's pray!

Dear God,
Too often when I think about my past, I tend to dwell on the ones who have hurt me rather than thinking on the ones who have been put into my life to help me, to heal me, to teach and lead me. You have given me many of these. Thank You for the sweet reminder and the images that filled my heart when Melissa checked in with me this morning. What a sweet soul she had as a child and now continues to have as an adult and parent herself! Thank You for the funny note from Valerie to remind me of how she and my kid had such great times together, along with so many others of Ashley's youth. Thank You that You let their friendships endure middle and high school! That in itself is often a miracle.

As I recall the pictures of when it was just the three of us, I also want to thank You for keeping my little family intact, for doubling it in size. Lord, You know how heavy my heart has been over the loss of the family I grew up in. Thank You for replacing it and making the one I have now so much better! I appreciate You, God, and I thank You for my Ashley. May her birthday be the best one yet and may she be surrounded by love all of her days.

Lastly, Lord, I thank You for love. I see it in these images. I feel it in the memories that are coursing through my heart. I KNOW it because You are constantly replacing my hurts with healing and You do it through Your people. You are a great God and I love You, Father. Amen.



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