Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Matthew 12:35

Wandering Through the Bible

July 25

A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. Matthew 12:35

I saw a similar picture on the church I attend's page the other day. It had three women displaying these objectives: to see no evil, speak no evil, nor hear any evil. Growing up, I remember my parents had some marble figurines of these and my sisters and I would try to see which one of us needed to correlate with that monkey. Seems like mine was always the one covering its tongue. Yeah, the trouble with keeping my mouth shut goes waaaaay back.

It's time that we stopped monkeying around with silliness, childishness. It's so easy to get in the habit of thinking that we have rights: the right to speak whatever comes to our mind, about whomever comes to our mind, whenever we so choose. There are consequences for negative behavior and some of us act so shocked when it's our turn for "bad things to happen to good people." Our Bible clearly teaches that we will reap what we sow so...let's start sowing better seeds, shall we?

Today, I challenge myself to capture any type of negative thinking that occurs naturally. And then, I challenge myself to either walk away or redirect my path when faced with things that are not true, right, wholesome, uplifting, encouraging. You know: the good stuff. If I place myself around more things and people that are positive, surely some of it will rub off on me and I can stop being the one whose ears, mouth, and eyes are constantly being covered up and I can participate more fully in the abundant life that Christ has prepared for me.

Let's pray!

Dear God, as my day starts off, I want it to be a good one. For this to happen, I have to prepare myself, to purpose myself to focus on You. Now God, You know me. Sure as I try to do something like this in my own self, the devil is going to try to stop me. Help me to put on all of my battle gear this morning and to not be foolish enough as to go into the war zone of life all alone. Go with me, Father? Lead me? Be my shield as the day progresses and cover me in Your grace is my prayer. Amen!


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