Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Proverbs 3:6

Wandering Through the Bible

July 15


Good morning! Ready to delve into another verse? Great! Let's go!

Dear God, as I start to try to understand this verse and what You'd have me glean from it, I ask You for wisdom and good sense. I saw that word "submit" and immediately thought of all the times I joked that that word was not in my Bible. It is and I am ready to do so as I ponder this verse. I look to You to help me make sense of it. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.

"Submit to Him." Submit. defines this as:

1. To yield or surrender (oneself) to the will or authority of another.
2. To subject to a condition or process.
3. To commit (something) to the consideration or judgment of another. See Synonyms at propose.
4. To offer as a proposition or contention: I submit that the terms are entirely unreasonable.
1. To give in to the authority, power, or desires of another.
2. To allow oneself to be subjected to something.

Hmn. That's not really so bad, is it? To surrender. Doesn't surrender mean to stop fighting? Wave the white flag and say "I give up!" Probably if I am to this point, then what I was fighting for--or about--probably wasn't worth the effort and energy that I used to put into the battle. That sounds reasonable to me.

My paths could certainly use some direction. I am in this transitional phase of life where I am about to turn 50 in 3 months or so. That is a lot of life lived but there is still so much more that I want to do, to accomplish. But how do I begin? Where do I begin? This way or that one: which road should I choose?

For the past 5 years, I have been devoted to my youngest grandson. He will start kindergarten next month and I already dread the thoughts that some other soul will have his attention, his love (I certainly hope and pray the Lord sends him a teacher that will have the qualities that make her lovable to him!) for so much of the day. I won't have access to him like I have had up to this point. In fact, my days are numbered since school, traveling, and a new, earlier bedtime will be in his future.

And what about my sweet Connor? He is at that fun age between 2 and 3 years of age. Depending on Mama's job, I may have a lot of opportunity to see him or it may too be cut off, shortened due to his brother's new life and all of the time that that will take out of his routine schedule.

My daughter may or may not depend on me more as the school year begins. She is the first to tell me that I don't have to base my life around her and her family. But how can I not? They are my world! Right? Right?

No, Stef: they are not. They are their own unit and while having you around is often profitable and fun, they can make it without you. And, you can make it without being so involved in their lives too.

I can?

I can. Sigh.

So, as I ponder my soon-to-be once-again changing status in life, I pray that I will be submissive to God's plans for me. I am excited to see what they involve and where He leads me in this new stage of my life. Changes are already going on and continue to do so. Stay tuned, blog readers of mine: the best is yet to come! Let's pray.

Dear God, I am excited to see what You have in store for me. Whether it's a job, a continuance of partial baby-sitting of my precious Connor, a mix of the two, or something completely different my hope is to be in Your will, in Your spirit, in Your grace. Help me to be in tune with all You are teaching me and help me to surrender my will for what Yours is. Amen.

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