Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Proverbs 27:17

Wandering Through the Bible As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.
This verse was brought into much practice in 2012 when a friend and I went to The Cove in Asheville and learned a new and exciting way to study our Bibles. Kendra Graham was the teacher and she quoted this verse almost nightly. Since then, I have taught this method of studying to some gals and I feel we each benefited from it.

Studying the Bible is individual. You have to find your own method and let the Lord lead you into which areas you delve more intently on. For me, I enjoy doing studies with friends. I enjoy the feedback, the affirmation as well as the conversation when our viewpoints aren't the same. For instance, Proverbs 17:17 speaks of "a brother is born for adversity." I always thought of this as it being a brother or sister in Christ being put into my life for hard times. However, a friend of mine's interpretation was that a brother was born to her to cause her pain/trials/etc. Hmn. Think on that and tell me what you think!
I am dull. Dense. A little too soft around the edges at times. I need the fellowship and feedback from people who, like me, are just trying to make it a day at a time. Like the old theme song from the tv show "Cheers" I too want to go where everybody knows my name. I need to be fed from others. I need to be encouraged, enlightened, and hear the perspectives of my peers.

So now it's your turn. Tell me what methods work for you. What do you do to stay sharp in the Word? Are you involved in a daily/weekly/monthly meeting? Do you enjoy writing about your lessons? This blog was created for sharing and lifting up Jesus through our study of Him. We may not see each other physically but let's do pull together and see what honing we can do for each other.

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