Wednesday, August 14, 2013

John 14:2

Wandering Through the Bible

July 5


In My Father's house are many rooms, if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. John 14:2

On Wednesday night, I was researching some houses to rent while we go on vacation. Imagine my delight when I found one and it featured a purple room. Not as homey as my Pretty Purple Room, but I went ahead and placed dibs on it. By grabs, I saw it first and I wanted it for myself! Plus, we were sponsoring the trip so it was only fair that I should get the prettiest (in my opinion) dwelling place. Besides, other than Walker, no one else really likes purple so I felt safe in this room being mine should we choose to stay at this rental property.

Fast forward to eternity. We are on the other side and Jesus is showing us around His house. Imagine my extreme pleasure when He opens up a door and says, "Stefanie, My child, this is the room I made for you. It's purple, just as I knew you loved. I've been working on it for quite some time now. Do you like it? I've got you some scrapbooking things here and over there in that corner are some books for you. And of course, knowing how you love music, I've assembled some of the most heavenly tunes you could imagine! Naturally there is a blanket or two for you, seeing as how I know you like to snuggle. I even hid some York Peppermint Patties in a secret place for you. I'm so glad you are here, Stefanie, and I have worked hard on making this room to your liking. What do you think?"

Far fetched? Nah, I don't think so. Jesus knows me, knows what I like, knows what pleases me. Just as you and I prepare for guests and try to have the little things to make their stay pleasurable and comfortable, He too is making our new homes ones that we will love and ones that show His love for us. He told us this and I am very excited about it. Growing up, I always had to share a room. When I went to college, I had to share that room too. Then I got married and, believe it or not, had to share that room. It was only recently, in the past 8 years or so, that I finally got to have my own room. And it is great! It has my favorite things in it: photographs are all over the walls, Walker and Connor's artwork decorate in various places, my closet is a scrapbooking collection of supplies, I have a tv on my boudoir so I can watch General Hospital. There is an electric fireplace for those cold fall and winter days. I have a huge desk just made for scrapping. A comfy chair is in one corner for me to pile up in and read and write to my heart's content. A file cabinet holds my personal papers and collections. And yes, there is a cute little box Walker and I made together that holds my special mints.

Will my room in heaven be pretty and purple? I hope so! But the truth is, I'd settle for just a hole in the wall as long as Jesus is there. Can you imagine having Him for a roommate?! The late night talks (yeah, I know there is no night but just go with me here), the discussions over the novels we've read, the laughter over the pictures and videos of times past, the sweet discussions as He explains to me why such and such happened and how He used that to make me a better person? Ahh, it's going to be so great! I just hope He finishes up soon so we can all be up there together and start the celebration! Let's pray!

Dear God, how very wonderful it is that Your Son is preparing my new home. To be invited to live with You all is such an honor! I look forward to it and am anticipating many wonderful times together, just sitting around and talking it all over with You. I have so many questions, so many thoughts, so many things I need explained and I am looking forward to the day when You call me home. Home. What a wonderful word! Thank You for preparing this for me. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen!

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