Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Psalm 116:16

Wandering Through the Bible

July 4


O Lord, truly I am your servant:…You have freed me from my chains. Psalm 116:16

transitive verb freed, freeing
to make free; specif.,
1. to release from bondage or arbitrary power, authority, obligation, etc.
2. to clear of obstruction, entanglement, etc.; disengage

When I first found this verse and read it, Chris Tomlin's song "My Chains Are Gone" came to mind. It's going through my head even now. Have you listened to it? I'll post it in just a moment. It begins with the oh-so-familiar tune "Amazing Grace" and then goes on to speak of the chains being gone.

Chains. Chains are defined as: fetters, bonds, irons, shackles, ball and chain, manacles, leg irons, handcuffs, gyves; see also captivity, confinement 1, imprisonment 1 (thanks

So we have defined freed and we have defined chains. Let's rewrite this verse to suit what is holding us back at this time. Mine looks like this: Oh God, I am Your child…You have released me from the bondage of captivity that sin has imprisoned me with.

Today is the 4th of July, a day we celebrate the freedoms won for us at great sacrifices from others. I appreciate the liberties and freedoms I experience day-to-day and personally know from my son-in-love serving as a Marine what that cost entails. But I also know of another Son Who gave it all so that I might live a life that is free from the penalties of harsh rulers, of laws that are meant to shackle me, of manacles that do not allow me liberty to move. While being married for so long I often feel that "ball and chain" mentality, I know that I am in truth bound to no man and that the way I live my life is through the free will provided by Jesus Christ.

Today, as you look around at the festivities going on, rejoice. As you (hopefully) enjoy the fireworks tonight, think of those little blasts of light, the bursts of sounds as your sins being removed as far as the east is from the west. As the lights turn into beautiful images, picture your life being made brilliant as the old is washed away and the new is in reach. But unlike the fireworks which will fade in an instant or two, you keep on shining. You keep on brightening up a dark world. Tell others that your chains are gone, that you are a new creation, that you serve a living God. Let your light so shine that others may see your good works and glorify your Father. You have the freedom to do so. Let's pray!

Our Father, Who is in Heaven, hallowed be Your Name. You are so good! You are so good to me, to my friends, to this world. Thank You for the liberties provided for me as an American and thank You for the all of the men and women who served throughout history to make it possible for me to not be enslaved to anyone. Mostly though, God, I thank You for Your Son. Jesus. Jesus Christ. May His name not be used in vain today but when people do utter it—and we know they will—may it be in reverence, in thankfulness, in worship.

I love You, God. I truly am Your servant and You have freed me from my chains. I serve You willingly and without fear. You place no obligation on me yet my desire is to serve You and to do the things which will make You smile. Thank You again for my freedom. I choose this day to celebrate You. In Jesus' name, with a grateful heart I pray. Amen!

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