Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Stefanie HutchesonWandering Through the Bible

June 20 at 8:31am near Lenoir ·

  • Okay, let's begin this morning's verse. Are you ready?

    To begin with "all" is a pretty big word. All? That means every little--and big!--as well as the ones in between--thing that I do is to be about realizing the significance of it. If I begin my morning by having a cup of milk, I should thank God for providing the milk, as well as the cup. As well as the morning. As well as being able to function enough to get up, to get going, to see to get the cup, to be thankful to have a cup, to appreciate that I have a refrigerator to keep the milk in, to be thankful that I have electricity, to be thankful that I have someone who pays the electric bill, to be thankful I have a someone...Whew! I'm already exhausted!

    I could just be lazy and say the well-worn expression of "Thank You, God, for this day and all the blessings You provide." Much easier, for sure. Doesn't take much time, which means it doesn't make me fully appreciate all that has gone into me having my simple cup of milk most mornings. This, of course, allows me more time to dwell on me, on my world, and the cares of it. The devil would love that, wouldn't he? Eyes off of God and all of the great things He does for me each day, each moment. That would get me off track and I wouldn't be able to complete the rest of the verse, "He will make your paths straight."

    Hmn. I must confess I have some pretty curvy roads ahead of me today. The trouble with the curve is that you cannot see around it, cannot see what lies ahead. What if there is an accident up ahead and you cannot slow down in time to not be a part of it? What if someone is going slower than you are and you nearly drive over them, causing a wreck yourself? Have you ever been going at a nice pace, and perhaps had some things in your passenger seat that you had neatly organized? At times, some crazy soul pulls out in front of you or slams on his/her brakes (probably his). Bam! There go your things, to the floor, in a mess of disarray. What happens next? Usually some harsh word or two comes out of a mouth that may have previously been singing a nice tune or praying or maybe even chatting on the phone with someone. Maybe even a curse is uttered and the person on the other end is offended.

    I am one who definitely needs her paths straight. I like to know what the day holds for me. I like to know that the road ahead of me is clear from obstacles that will slow me down, mess up my stuff, or cause me harm. But being straight doesn't necessarily imply that the road is clear from debris, now does it? There may be difficulties that I haven't even considered that pop up. Or, like on today's agenda, the day may contain a doctor's appointment for one of my most loved ones. Being that I knew in advance it was coming, I was able to pray that the Lord would handle this situation and prepare my heart in case something didn't quite go right. I'd much rather be in this shape than to be told unexpectedly that bad news was coming.

    Also consider in this verse that it says paths not path. Many roads each of us travel on a daily basis. Some are on regular roads that we may take to work, to do chores, to meet a friend. Other paths though may be ones we aren't familiar with. How much nicer is it to see ahead than to wonder what is around the next curve? While we can't know every obstacle that will be on this road, it is nice to see them coming, to have our hearts prepared, and to know that God already is well-aware of the situation and He's got it, He's got me? Pretty nice, I think!

    So, before today gets too far away from us, let's take a moment to stop, to acknowledge God's role in it, and allow Him the opportunity to straighten out some of those rough edges.

    Dear God, as I begin my day, I do first off want to thank You for providing it for me. Thank You for the rest I received last night. Thank You for keeping my family secure. Thank You for keeping catastrophe away from me. Thank You that I have a home, that I have provisions, that I have all the blessings that I do.
    As my day continues, God, I ask that You guide me. I know You are in charge of each thing that I will face today. Prepare my heart, my mind, my emotions so that I may be a good reflection of You. Keep me straight less I stray. If, as the song says, it's all about You then my prayer is indeed to let my life show Your love, Your grace, Your mercy in all that I do. That's a pretty big request, but You are a pretty big God.
    Thanks again for providing me with Your Word. Help me to discern its truths and to obey willingly the things You would have me to do. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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