Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Psalm 147:3

Wandering Through the Bible

July 19

Yesterday and today have been days that have had their share of sadnesses. Not so much for me but for those who have been put in my path. Therefore, because of love, I do share in these sorrows. Let me wander through this and see if it makes any sense.

While eating lunch yesterday, a girl that I was barely acquainted with shared some of her woes to my friend and me. And what woes they were! My heart broke as she fought back her tears and told us a little of her story. The more she spoke, the more tender my heart became as I realized she was only 17 and had already been through so much--and now this. Oh my soul!

Later I read of the death of another acquaintance's dog. The loss hit him hard. While not being an animal lover myself, I still empathize with those who make animals a part of their families.

This morning, I was met with the sad sad news that a man I have loved and respected for over 3 decades had passed. His death leaves a great void, for there are few men out there who are as kind, as loving, as gentle as Wyman was.

Grief. Charlie Brown used to say "Good grief" often. So I ponder, is there good in grief? Is there joy in sadness? What about those who keep getting hit, time after time, with battles that most of us will never face? Where is that so-called silver lining in all of this?


I have a couple of friends who are facing life challenges right now. One needs a new home; another had to renege on a job offer because the demands were more than she cared to bear. I admire her for that, by the way. Knowing what you are and are not capable of saves a lot of grief in making decisions that affect you and your loved ones.

The brokenhearted are those whom Christ came to save, to heal. He puts His bandage of love over our wounds, which means He has to touch us. The power of touch is one of those things that it's hard to describe but that once you've experienced it, you cannot wait to have that solace again. The feel of Christ's strong arms around me is one that I want to experience over and over.

I think I will go cry there now. My heart is heavy for those folks I have mentioned. Their grief is my grief and I am so very sad for them and the losses they are facing right now. I know there is healing and that joy will come. But right now, right now they could probably more than anything else just use a hug. Words aren't necessary; the touch says it all. It says, "I'm here. I care. I'm a safe place for you to come to and just cry, just weep, just rest." Oh how I wish I would have given a hug to the young woman yesterday! Would it have made a difference to her? Yeah, I think it would have. Even though we barely know one another's name, that touch, that rush of feeling that says love is available is worth more than the pat answers and usual responses folks give when one hurts.

Let's pray:

Dear God, You are so warm, loving, inviting. Your arms are open for me to run into whenever I need. Lord, I need to run to You now. I need to cry and tell You how my heart aches for these people you privileged me to be a part of their lives. I failed yesterday when I didn't give the hug. I failed when I didn't reach out and at least offer my hand. At the time, I was afraid it would scare her off, or make her break down and it just wasn't the place for that. Please give me another opportunity to love her. And until then, will You love her through it? She said she knows You, that her faith has gotten her this far. Take her further today, Lord, than ever before! Heal her hurts. Use her scars as reminders of the pains you have removed. Love her through folks who know You and show Your mercies I pray.

And for my friends who lost their loved ones, oh God, I ask You to comfort them. Yes, Wyman is in a better place and his hurts are no longer. The void he leaves behind though? Oh, what a large space that is! May You fill it, God, and not let it consume them with its vastness. I don't think they will fall into it but sometimes, God, sometimes we just hurt so much when that loved one is gone. Our loved ones cannot be replaced but they can be enhanced by new experiences, new folks and animals to take a place (not the place) that is hollow. I ask that You do that for my friends.

Thank You for listening to my wayward thoughts this morning, God. I'm ready now for my rest in You. Please send hugs to those who are hurting, I pray, in Jesus' Name.



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