Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Proverbs 12:25

Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person.

How true is this scripture for today! When my eyes are on my problems rather than on my blessings, I tend to forget all of the good things in my life. I often need someone to remind me of the things perhaps I have been taking for granted. Are my cares of the world really so bad that I cannot (will not) realize how truly taken care of by God I am?


I once attended a series of classes in Sunday School dealing with our spiritual gifts. Mine turned out to be encourager. I wasn't surprised, seeing as how for most of my life I was the one who tried to be the peacemaker, the conflict resolver, the cheerleader. I used to take my mission in life more seriously, by taking one day each week to send out cards and notes to folks to let them know I was thinking of them, praying for them, or just to say hi. The response I sometimes got back was so sweet. Often I heard that that person was just having an awful day and my card came in the mail at just the right time. I was told I was a blessing and it humbled me to think that such a small act of kindness could have such an effect as to make a person feel so much better. Some even said they kept the card on the refrigerator or nearby to look at throughout the day, the week.


I don't write this to pat myself on the back because it is something I used to do and only now do on occasion. Part of that is because I no longer attend that church and the one I go to now I haven't made very many contacts with. However, every once in a while I get my cards out and think, "Hmn. Who could I send a note to today?"


It only takes a moment to offer someone a smile, a kind word, or even give just a little pat on the shoulder to as one walks by. You know you enjoy it when it happens to you. Why not reciprocate? The other day I heard of a woman who had lost her husband early in life to cancer last year. She was using the anniversary of his death to celebrate him and had gone to some businesses for support. Long story short, she collected enough little certificates for a free meal, free parking, and other small gestures that went a huge way in brightening up someone's life. She put these randomly on their parked cars at a treatment center. Can you imagine the looks on the faces of the folks who saw that no, it wasn't a ticket but a reward from an unknown soul, just to say "Hey. I know life is tough for you right now. Maybe this small token of affection will help."


Let's put our faith into practice today. Smile an extra smile to someone who looks like they could use it. Give a friendly gesture to someone you barely know. And if you can afford it, but someone lunch today—or maybe a cup of coffee or a snack. Mostly though, I encourage you to write something down. That tangible piece of paper can be read and reread over and over again. It can be held. It can be comfort. It can lift that weight right off of a person's shoulders and put their perspective back on the One Who probably could use a kind word or two directed His way as well.


Thanks for doing such a great job, God. You made the rain and the sun. You made the heat and the comfort of air conditioning. You made me and while I don't always understand what You are doing with me, I know You have a plan for me. I put my trust in You today and look to You for my security not to myself. Keep on working on me, Lord. I appreciate You in my life!

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