Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Proverbs 28:23

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Wandering Through the Bible

July 18




We all know the type. They are the ones we want to have around us, the ones who make us feel better about ourselves, the ones who tell us what we (think) want to hear. Oh yes, they are everywhere and are considered to be the most popular in our society. They are the ones we want to be seen with, and they are the ones we want to be known as.


Except when our world caves in around us. We know something isn't quite right. Probably, we even know what that something is but until it is confirmed by another, we don't want to acknowledge it to ourselves. That way, we can blame them if it doesn't work out right. Right?

The ones who call us on our sins, the ones who dare to speak the truth, who love us enough to speak the truth--these are the ones that the Bible says will find favor. These are the ones who we really count on, the ones who we go to in the dark of the night (for who wants to go in the light where s/he might be seen?!), the ones we call or text or email with our woes. These are the ones who tell us what we don't want to hear but what we know we need to hear so that we can get it all back together.

Are you a rebuker or a flatterer? Personally, I am both. I do start off usually telling, agreeing with, and encouraging my friend as to what she wants to hear. And then, depending on her response, I may go the next step and gently call her on actions that may not be seen on her part, actions that need to change in some way so that she will be an even better person than she already is. I have been called brutally honest by some and I don't like that term. Brutal implies hostility or something painful and yes, the truth does hurt sometimes but I'd rather season it with love. I hope in these years as I've aged that there is more salt and sugar rather than hot pepper and vinegar.

Back in the days of my (first) college experience, I had a roommate that I just loved so much and admired. However, because we were young and trying to get it all figgered out, we messed up. A lot. So, we'd have these "Let's be honest" talks and tell each other the negative things we were doing that perhaps we were unaware of. Ouch! We had some brutal sessions, no doubt. We pricked each others tender hearts more than once but...We loved each other enough to be honest, to care enough to tell things that would help us and see that what we were doing was only hurting ourselves. Whether it was about the clothes we wore, the words we were saying, or the things we were doing, Virg and I let it all out. Surprisingly, we are still friends to this day!

Whoever rebukes a person will in the end gain favor rather than one who has a flattering tongue. Yeah, most of us still flock to those flatterers. We want to be around the ones who make us feel pretty, make us feel special. But the wise friend knows who her wise friend is and visits and/or chats with her regularly. It's good to check up, don't you think? I do! Maybe I'll go give Virginia a call and see what she thinks about me, the real me, and get some advice on how to improve. Let's pray!

Dear God, I thank You for the past and current Virginias I have in my life. Thank You for using Your children to help correct one another in love rather than hatred or spite. As I go about my day, I ask that You continue to grow me in wisdom so that, should the cause arrive, that I may speak truths to my friends--seasoned with much love and grace!--and not just let them flounder about in things that I know are harming them.
In Jesus' Name I ask this: amen.

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