Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Phillipians 4:8

Wandering Through the Bible

July 11


Whatever. Whatever?

Definition of WHATEVER
1a : anything or everything that <take whatever you want>
b : no matter what <whatever he says, they won't believe him>
c : whatnot <enjoys skiing, hiking, or whatever>
2: what 1a(1) —used to express astonishment or perplexity <whatever do you mean by that>

I've done this verse before. Quite a few times. I even have some great stationery, a notebook or two and a file folder with WHATEVER emblazoned on it. And, I also have this really cute wall decoration with it on it that I gaze at when I am in my Pretty Purple Room.

I've taken this verse apart, word by word, and have still yet to make a dent in it. I've got a few of those thoughts written down and on the cork board above my treadmill for me to ponder while I walk.

Whatever I do, wherever I go, I am to think on these things from Philippians 4:8: "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."

I don't know about you, but that pretty much sums up all the good things in my life that I should be dwelling on instead of letting the negativity of the world permeate my thoughts. And there is so much good out there to think about! My grandsons. My health. My family. My home. Flowers. The great messages I am hearing at Next. The Bible Study I have the privilege of dropping in on on Thursday mornings and the prospects of the one I may get to be a part of at Curves.

My husband. My home. My friends that encourage me and love me and put up with me. My country. Music! The unexpected kindnesses I see go on all around me. My tomatoes that are growing so well in spite of all of the rain we've had and the joy at seeing my cucumbers starting to flourish.

My God. Surely He is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and definitely Someone to admire. If I capture my thoughts and take them captive, direct them to thinking about Jesus, and keep them focused there, then I can truly fulfill this verse, 24/7/365. It's easier when I surround myself with things that illustrate Him, with music that praises Him, with friends that love Him like I do. And could anything be more noble than loving Jesus with a pure heart? I don't think so either!

Dear God,
Thank You so much for the whatevers in my life. I am still contemplating how many things I have to be thankful for and one day, I will get to those scrapbook pages and make a dent in what I consider to be worthy of going on those pages.
You are indeed kind, noble, good, righteous, admirable, and oh so praiseworthy! May I think on You as I go about my day and at the end of it, still have so many thoughts going through my mind of how magnificent You are! In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.


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