Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I Thessalonians 5:11

Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. I Thessalonians 5:11


Wow. I was all prepared to give you such a lift this morning with my "encouraging" words but once I read the definition, there wasn't much more to add to it! I told you sometimes just reading the words explained is sermon enough.


Read on and then see how you can implement this word into your actions today. Here's a thought: leave me a comment so that I know you are practicing what you read!


Definition of ENCOURAGE

1 a
: to inspire with courage, spirit, or hope :
hearten <she was encouraged to continue by her early success>

: to attempt to persuade :
urge <they encouraged him to go back to school>

2: to spur on :
stimulate <warm weather encourages plant growth>

3: to give help or patronage to :
foster <government grants designed to encourage conservation>


Examples of ENCOURAGE

  1. They encouraged us in our work.
  2. Encourage each other with kind words.
  3. The program is meant to encourage savings.
  4. Warm weather encourages plant growth.
  5. He claims the new regulations will encourage investment.
  6. He claims the new regulations will encourage people to invest.
  7. We want to encourage students to read more.
  8. My parents encouraged me to go back to college.
  9. They encouraged her to go.


Middle English encoragen, from Anglo-French encorager, from en- + curage courage

First Known Use: 15th century

Related to ENCOURAGE


bear up, buck up, buoy (up), cheer (up), chirk (up), embolden, hearten, inspire, inspirit, steel


daunt, discourage, dishearten, dispirit

Related Words

animate, enliven, invigorate; enforce, fortify, reinforce (also
reenforce), strengthen; assure, reassure; boost, energize, excite, galvanize, provoke, quicken, rally, stimulate, stir

Near Antonyms

demoralize, depress, sadden; debilitate, enfeeble, hamstring, undermine, weaken; intimidate, psych (out)


Synonym Discussion of ENCOURAGE

encourage, inspirit, hearten, embolden mean to fill with courage or strength of purpose. encourage suggests the raising of one's confidence especially by an external agency <the teacher's praise encouraged the students to greater efforts>. inspirit, somewhat literary, implies instilling life, energy, courage, or vigor into something <patriots inspirited the people to resist>. hearten implies the lifting of dispiritedness or despondency by an infusion of fresh courage or zeal <a hospital patient heartened by good news>. embolden implies the giving of courage sufficient to overcome timidity or reluctance <emboldened by her first success, she tried an even more difficult climb>.

Rhymes with ENCOURAGE

demurrage, discourage, Dutch courage



Thanks for this inspired definition!

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