Wednesday, August 14, 2013

No Negative Thinking!

Wandering Through the Bible

August 3

The other day, my friend started to tell me something I really didn't want to hear. No, it wasn't gossip ('cause I'm human and I sometimes like to hear the "news" about others I know). It was about spiders. Spiders. Ick! I can't stand them and I stopped her in her tracks.

"Lisa, you know how we have been studying about taking every thought captive?" I asked her. "Well, I've decided that if it doesn't enter into my mind, then I am less likely to think about it since it isn't there. So, no offense," I told her, "but just keep that story to yourself."

As I have been pondering this, I realize just how true it is. Another example is this one. My dear sweet husband loves to watch war movies. Or movies that are full of violence. I tend to position my laptop just so in order to block the tv from my view. I try really hard to not listen to the blare of the explosions and such and have become quite adept at blocking it out--for the most part. Sure, I could go into another room and not have to deal with it at all but then we wouldn't get to spend this "quality" time together. So, I play on my 'puter and try to act like I am unaffected by this intrusion on my mind.

So, when it comes to the lies of the devil, why do I allow him to take residence in my head and let him fill it with thoughts that have no business being inside of me? Why do I put up with his whispers of "you aren't good enough" or "see, if she really cared about you she would have called to check on you." Why do I allow my thoughts to drift and remain on the lies that he is constantly trying to bombard me with? Why can I not tune him out like I do the harsh sounds of battle?

I can. I can divert my thinking and can dwell on the truths God has promised me. I can ponder the "whatevers" that I am so fond of. I can even type a blog or write a word of encouragement to a buddy should I so choose. "Taking every thought captive..." Taking. That means I am in control. I have to reach out and accept what is being offered to me. It is my choice to do so. Or, I can sit back and let the lies silently attack me. I can allow the negativity to permeate into my subconscious until it takes over and leads me to thoughts I don't wish to have.

Spiders. No thank you. Lies? Puhlease! Negativty? I think I shall pass on that one as well. The Battlefield of the Mind. Joyce Meyer wrote about it, teaches about it, and we all deal with it. It's a war we can win. It's our choice to control or to be controlled. If I don't expose myself to certain things, then they don't have the power to get in there and take a hold, causing me to stumble. I can walk away, cover my ears and hum, and think about the good things. Yeah, that's what I shall do. How 'bout you?


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